@National Basketball Association

Joe Mazzulla: ” The phrase ‘defending a title’ is a very passive-aggressive term. If you look at the animal kingdom, some of the strongest animals don’t defend; they’re the most aggressive, and they attack the most.”

Joe Mazzulla: ” The phrase ‘defending a title’ is a very passive-aggressive term. If you look at the animal kingdom, some of the strongest animals don’t defend; they’re the most aggressive, and they attack the most.”

by Accurate-Albatross34


  1. Accurate-Albatross34

    Quote is at 13:57

    I hope somebody makes a compilation of this dude’s quotes a couple of years later lol, you can make an entire book out of them.

  2. collector444

    This %^##& bro….


  3. ThingsAreAfoot

    What’s funny is the “strongest” and most dangerous animals are often the most defensive ones, protecting their territory, offspring, etc, but otherwise wanting to be left entirely alone.

  4. make_thick_in_warm

    “but are you a different animal, and the same beast?”

  5. nibbinoo8

    aside from the animal kingdom stuff it is always a little funny to say defending ur title in sports. ur just trying to win another one, they can’t rescind or take the one you’ve already won

  6. thepeachgod

    First team in NBA history with a larger chip on their shoulder after winning a championship

  7. SandwitchJ

    My coach is actually a quote machine 😂

  8. I don’t think passive aggressive means what you think it means Joe.

  9. Upbeat_Tension_8077

    The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma- Joe Mazzulla, probably

  10. RoiDuBlaze

    love how the most benign sports clichés trigger his bloodlust

    wonder what he would do if someone asked him if he gives 110%

  11. Joe Mazzulla is like if LinkedIn was a person.

  12. That is a hilarious way to talk about trying to avoid the potential letdown that teams can have after a championship. I love this guy.

  13. One good side effect of the Celtics winning the title is that he gets to say more stuff like this. It’s fun. It’s good to have this kind of weirdness in the league. If you’re losing, no one wants to hear it.

  14. DorkandPoon

    I’m positive Joe Mazzulla has murdered a human before. Cannot convince me otherwise

  15. Efficient_Art_1144

    Joe Mazzulla makes so much sense if you have experience with Rhode Island

  16. PapaSheev7

    I love Joe. Dude is just a living, breathing quote machine.

  17. kungfoop

    As a laker fan, this is the most likable Celtic to me.

  18. rational_numbers

    I get what he is trying to say, but man…

  19. pahamack

    yeah bro! like… the biggest, strongest animal on earth: the blue whale.

    Er… it doesn’t attack anyone and just does it’s own thing.

    As opposed to what is probably the fiercest mammal that just attacks everything in sight: the honey badger. Uh… it’s small and obviously not that strong but makes up for it in unbridled ferocity.

    Hmm… maybe the takeaway is that the truly strong don’t even register anything else as a threat.

  20. TigerKlaw

    Joe Mazulla 13:57 immortalize it in scripture.

  21. QueerSatanic

    reporter: coach mazzulla, what did you enjoy most about the offseason?

    mazzulla: in nature, there is no offseason. when an amazonian river otter hunts you and uses your corpse for its pleasure, you don’t get to stop and ask for time to rehab. this year, we’re going to make 29 other teams understand why we’re the amazonian river otters of this league

    reporter: thanks, coach

  22. A lot of them just posture and compare whose whatever is bigger.

  23. darren_meier

    Mazzulla is an absolute madman and you know if he wasn’t an NBA coach he’d be typing up manifestos in a cabin in the woods. I don’t love the Celtics but I am a big fan of Mazzulla. We need more weirdos like him in professional sports.

  24. Artimusjones88

    It’s pretty simple. You won. There is typically a letdown. Most teams win, and its a relief.

    To motivate yourselves you need a “Fuck you, we were not lucky” attitude and we are going to beat the shit out of everyone and prove it.

  25. I’m very glad this dude is an NBA coach instead of being some sort of serial killer.

  26. 97PunkRawk

    We’re going to go 98-0. This is psychopath behavior in September lmao. Joe fucking rules lol

  27. UltraMoglog64

    This is a man who has earned the confidence to just make shit up and say it with his whole chest lol

  28. MENDoombunny

    The NBA is back. We’re so fucking back baby

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