@National Basketball Association

NBA expansion will be on table, just not yet, Silver says

How much longer are they gonna punish and tease Seattle? Charlotte got a new team within a couple of yrs

by Marvkid27


  1. captain_ahabb

    Waiting for LeOwner to retire (plus maybe lower interest rates to facilitate the financing)

  2. Robinsonirish

    Listening to him talk in the video it doesn’t seem like it’s happening anytime soon at all. He said;

    >We haven’t made any decisions in terms of markets and frankly, even to expand.

  3. MasterTeacher123

    This sounds like a nothing burger 

  4. Silver was deputy commissioner when people in the Washington State House basically told Stern to **** Off the wounds are probably still there Silver just has a much better public persona.

  5. penguin_torpedo

    I swear this bald mf has been blueballing Seatle for 6 years now.

  6. Vegas first above all

    They’ve continued to prove they show up for the NBA

  7. apollyon_53

    Most teams don’t have a 7th man. Talent is diluted af. Expanding by two teams means taking 1 player from each existing team.

    The wizards/pistons/hornets/trail blazers/spurs all had 60+ loss seasons.

    Let’s get more parity in the league please

  8. ThrowawayLIX

    The NBA continuing to drag its feet on expansion? Nah.

  9. SCSA4life24

    Adam will expand the NBA all the way to his home planet, in the 2040-2041 season.

  10. Dymatizeee

    I’m am willing to date Beyoncé, just not yet

  11. mMounirM

    gonna be harder to tank and later when teams are more balanced it’ll be harder to win a chip lol

  12. larrylegend1990

    Wait till Lebron retires. Then add Vegas and Seattle. Lebron becomes LeOwner.

    So probably another decade

  13. SortLongjumping9108

    Fuck Silver hopefully this bald bitch retires soon

  14. PandaPuncherr

    I think my Pistons should get to do one of those expansion draft.

  15. _Tar_Ar_Ais_

    Vancouver, you are an NBA expansion city

  16. Barkav1ous

    There ain’t even enough good players for 30 teams

  17. I really want to see an expansion draft and the chaos that ensues

  18. MorePower7

    Lebron told him that he plans to play for several more years still and to hold off on expansion, and Adam Silver acquiesced.

  19. junkit33

    There’s really no rush. Expansion dilutes the product and the NBA is in a pretty good place. It’s gonna happen eventually, but it might be a while.

  20. Shepher27

    I don’t understand why not. The player base has never been more overflowing. We have good rotation players who cannot get roster spots

    The TV deal is done and starts next year

    The CBA is done

    Everyone knows Seattle and Vegas are the teams….

    Are they just waiting for the Boston sale to set the market?

  21. Naismythology

    The longer they wait, the more they can charge for an expansion fee. Ten years ago the Bucks sold for $550 million. Two years ago the Suns sold for $4 billion. Who knows what the Celtics will go for here. Obviously they can’t wait forever, but it’s going to be much more difficult to expand beyond 32 teams than to go from 30 to 32. I’m guessing they’re trying to time it to maximize the buy-in.

  22. little_freddy

    Bring back the Vancouver Grizzlies 🐻

  23. Frozenfire21

    Expansion has already been decided, its Seattle and Vegas and will play in arenas that already exist unlike the NHL teams .

  24. CharlemagneInSweats

    I’d like to see St. Louis get a team.

  25. Brasi91Luca

    Ahh ohh they must not want this to happen as much anymore..

  26. I think they’re just aiming to see how much they can charge for expansion fees

  27. eyeguy21

    There’s not enough talent even with the new CBA

  28. BucketsofSputum

    Fuckin’ booooo. Let’s plump the west, get the Wolves moved east so they can wrestle with their Great Lakes brethren, & have a nice, fat, & happy league, Adam!

  29. JordanDoesTV

    Vegas & Seattle are still the only real options right now?

  30. Sad-Mathematician-19

    Well Silver better get on it. 2025-2026 was the projected time period for these expansion teams to get into talks about joining. He probably announces the expansions to Vegas and Seattle by next offseason. Won’t be shocked if it’s like 2027-2028 for them joining.

    Lets go Sonics and Vipers!

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