@Denver Nuggets

41 Days Until Tip-Off – Off-Season Discussion Thread | Sep 11, 2024

Daily Listening: Mambo Kings Soundtrack (1992) | Recommended by u/aatencio91

by AutoModerator


  1. Calvin Booth’s offseason plan was 4 sentences.

    Like “run, Spot, run”

  2. porkadachop

    NY Times today, probably: Why Harris Winning the Debate is Actually Bad For Democrats.

  3. Just fell to my knees seeing that Braun, Wilson Chandler and Kyle Freeland follow Trump.

  4. I’m scared for Beefcat in these trying times

  5. FernBlueEyes

    Why is there a K instead of a C in “dark”?

    Because you can’t c in the dark. 😬😂

  6. MasterStrange616

    I didn’t hear any mention of Jamal Murray conditioning or contract during the debate when discussing inflation…SMH organizational complacency at the presidential level

  7. IdRatherBeLurkingToo

    Transgender Illegal Aliens Eating Cats And Geese coming to a sanctuary city near you

  8. totally_comfortable

    they’re eating the dogs

    they’re eating the cats

    they’re eating… they’re eating.

  9. MyLinksMakeNoSense

    shoutout to the guy on r/denvernougats for making my morning

  10. Concept of a plan is honestly going to be my go to

  11. PoorTonyK

    those debate moderators did a terrible job. They only asked two questions regarding whether Nuggets should retire Melo jersey

  12. BucketOfTruthiness

    “I have the concept of rotations” – Michael Malone, probably

  13. “Jamal will you be conditioned and not fat going into the 24-25 season?”

    “I have concepts of a plan” – Jamal

  14. I’ve seen enough, I’m officially endorsing Michael Malone

  15. BroncoSquatch

    What do you think comes first:

    Broncos ownership breaks ground on a new stadium

    Nuggets ownership breaks ground on a practice facility

  16. Yall are lucky BHB is resting.. I might have put up record efficiency in yesterday’s thread

  17. YungFung1001

    Hey did we keep Justin Holiday or is he no longer on the roster?

  18. I saw MPJ posted a story of the debate and I said oh no. Thankfully all he asked was “who are you voting for?” With a laughing emoji

  19. HeadHoncho204

    Are lego’s the original 3d printer?

  20. mradulovic

    When I apply for USA tourist visa next year, I am certainly going to mention that I am allergic to cats and not really fond of small dog breeds.

  21. I got about 9 more days of vacation to use and I have no idea when to take them off. I already have Halloween week reserved and I don’t mind working thanksgiving/Christmas week because it’s usually so slow, I get paid my 40 hours + holiday pay.

  22. It’d be pretty funny if Trump dropped out of the race now and the couch fucker took over the ticket

  23. trevstan1

    U Suck A couldnt even beat NZ. Pochettino only there for the 6 mil.

  24. vladimir_pimpin


    Wow. Got banned from the nuggets subreddit after 2 years because IdRatherBeLurkingToo is a complete spineless weasel. They can’t take it when someone (the whole subreddit in this case) disagrees with them they result to banning… smh. Touch grass kid

  25. It’s crazy this is getting overlooked from last night, but I’m pretty sure Donald Trump refused to say he regretted anything from Jan 6.

    And then went on to say something to the effect of “the other side didn’t lose anyone. We lost Ashli Babbit.”

  26. n0t_malstroem

    What do y’all think are the odds Mpj believes babies are getting executed after being born

  27. about90frogs

    I’m voting for Trump, I can’t in good conscience support the Central American man -> cat eating transgender post-birth abortionist pipeline.

  28. vladimir_pimpin

    I’d rather be lurking also is an mpj weasel (spineless)

  29. How good of a player would MPJ be if you morphed him with Watson?

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