@National Basketball Association

Zion Williamson breaks an unwritten rule with a nasty 360 windmill dunk at the end of the game- sparking a light kerfuffle from angry Phoenix players

Zion Williamson breaks an unwritten rule with a nasty 360 windmill dunk at the end of the game- sparking a light kerfuffle from angry Phoenix players

by WestleyThe


  1. Major_Damage7207

    my immature ass would do this everytime if I were in the NBA, it’s too funny watching grown ass adults get mad over this

  2. WestleyThe

    If you are down 8 with 7 seconds left and try to score, don’t get mad that the winning team goes and dunks it

    Such a dumb unwritten rule

  3. BurnCollector_

    I can’t remember the full context of this, but I feel like the Suns did some dumb ass shit (besides trying to score down 9 with 7 seconds left) leading up to this.

  4. rake2204

    I’m so ready for that unwritten rule to drift away. Growing up in the ‘90s, garbage time was generally open season *unless* there was preexisting bad blood or a dude was purposely trying to insult the other team.

    Otherwise, guys would often play until the horn and it actually made the ends of blowouts kind of interesting, wondering if Jack Haley might actually be able to score before the clock hit 0.00.

  5. cmgr33n3

    Unwritten rules are unwritten for one reason, they ain’t rules. You mad a team is showing you up? Then win next time.

  6. Waterfish3333

    If you want your opponent to stop playing, forfeit the game. Just call a timeout and say we’re done. You don’t get to play a possession then get butthurt the other guys played out theirs.


    As a Phoenix fan I was hyped for Zion as a basketball fan

  8. alienswillarrive2024

    So Zion does the dunk and they go after Alvarado*? hhaahha, weaklings.

  9. Open-Somewhere-9535

    If you’re a multimillionaire pro athlete and you get upset at “unwritten rules,” you’re a giant pussy

  10. RansomGoddard

    I understand that this can be a sign of disrespect when it’s done on your own home floor but this was Zion doing something for the Pels home crowd (from what I remember it was to cap off a 6 win streak where they held the 1 seed at this time). Let the guy show off for his fans.

  11. DirkNowitzkisWife

    Games are 48 minutes long and I guarantee you more fans came to see Zion do something amazing than Chris Paul’s bounce passes.

    If you don’t want it jammed on you, then get good scrubs

  12. I understand the losing team is butt hurt and salty for the dunk but for the fans, that was slam dunk contest worthy. So much power on the dunk with ease too. Deal with it.

  13. nolablue1024

    This was the peak of the last few years as a Pels fan. Leading the west and stunting on last years playoff opponent

    2 (sadly) was probably the play-in wins

  14. JimiFish

    In response I remember booker cooking the pelicans until they were burnt the game(s) after… guess Zion should’ve chilled out

  15. Mikal even said that they weren’t that mad. He was like “hell, if I could dunk like that I would too”. Haha

  16. GM-T800-101

    Suns should’ve used that energy to play defense during the 4 quarters. They got tough as soon as the buzzer sounded 😂 ❄️

  17. Dysfunctionalmfka

    Honestly one of best moments in modern NBA in my opinion wish players did more shit like this

  18. IUpVoteIronically

    Man, when Jamal dribbled around Lonzo at the end of a nuggets/lakers game years ago they have hated him since lol. Little did they know, there would be much more material to hate him for in the future.

  19. scantron2739

    Whatever lmao, it was a sick af dunk and the crowd loved it.

  20. jibamao

    Of all the stupid unwritten rules, this one is the stupidest.

  21. iso-joe

    Unwritten, bunskitten. If some player wants to continue to play even though they are blowing you out of the game then you better just suck it up and try to play some defense.

  22. OrangePython

    Can we stfu about this narrative that Zion did something wrong giving the fans what they paid for? No normal person cares if the millionaire,ultra privileged nba players get a little salty they cant play defense

  23. chakrablocker

    unspoken rules are always just sore losers crying

  24. Mordeckai23

    I don’t believe this is an unwritten rule. Zion’s just showing off for his home team since they’re winning.

    The Suns are sore losers.

  25. EcstaticActionAtTen

    I need “Phuck Phoenix” Zion all next year!

  26. DanimalPlays

    If it isn’t written, it isn’t a rule. Courtesy my balls. You’re professionals, don’t be goddamn babies.

  27. Moist_Walrus5413

    I love how no one ran up to Zion though lol

  28. Emotional-Chef-7601

    Players getting worked up about a whole lot of nothing

  29. Itz_JustChris

    The players are payed a shit ton of money to play basketball, people who watch in person pay a shit ton of money to see, even people at home pay decent money to watch these games… if that clock aint 0.00 I wanna see him dunk that fucking ball idc if they winning by
    15, 20, 30+ pts

  30. The1Ylrebmik

    Generally l, I am not very sympathetic to not showing people up at the pro level. This isn’t Little League. These guys are getting paid millions of dollars to prevent Zion from doing things like that. If they fail the onus is on them.

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