@National Basketball Association

Draymond Green with an incredible stop

Draymond Green with an incredible stop

by Insufferable-Asshat


  1. Insufferable-Asshat

    Hate draymond off the court, can’t get enough of draymond on the court.

  2. Used_Wedding_5779

    As much as people trash on his ability and attitude now, there really was a time he could give an absolute masterclass on defense and off-ball impact.

  3. BKbrawler718

    A motivated calm draymon is an elite defender

  4. DingBatJordy

    this was easter day, i was at that game. i screamed about as loud as draymond did.

  5. Squid-Farmer

    I think about this play often for some reason, great highlight

  6. OutsideTheServiceBox

    Saw the title and was hoping it would be this play. I fortunately was watching this live and just couldn’t believe how he managed to shut this shit down so emphatically. If this was in a more clutch moment, it would potentially be considered one of the greatest defensive plays of all time. 

    It’s a harder version of Giannis’s Finals block. 

  7. honestlyprogamr

    Not many defenders all time that can stop a player and recover in time to block another player

  8. BigtripTheStickr

    If you’re putting together a team in a must win game against the monstars, dray will help any other 4 win. Irreplaceable.

  9. I always felt like Draymond was the GOAT 2-on-1 transition defender. I can remember so many instances of him getting stops in that situation despite the disadvantage.

  10. Foot speed is insane, why he’s an all time defender.

  11. trentjpruitt97

    What’s great (the block) about and what’s terrible (the excessive celebration) about Draymond all in one video.

  12. JohnnyOmmm

    Dude celebrating instead of pushing up court Lmaoo

  13. Miyagisans

    Arguably the best defensive player of his generation. I say arguably cause there’s an argument for AD and I personally think AD is the best. However, draymond did anchor a dynasty defensively and played in too many high stakes game, so I can see why someone would think he was the best.

  14. Draymond’s super defensive power is anticipation, he knows what the opponent is going to do before they do and he had the speed and power to stop them often just by getting to the spot first or rising up first

  15. WolverineLong1430

    It helps when his wingspan is 7’1, longer than some forwards bigger than him. Also having the IQ knowing how to position yourself and timing your blocks/contest.

  16. Sir_Meeps_Alot

    Don’t care what anyone says. He is the most overrated player in nba history and I will die on that hill


    I remember seeing this live

    Draymond Green is hands down one of the greatest defensive players of this generation

  18. Blowback_

    I went from seeing Draymond being a dick and knocking out poole to another vid of his Hof defense in a matter of 2 minutes lol

    I was a huge dray fan in the dubs prime, I can only tolerate him just enough anymore.

  19. RocketTortoise42

    It’s hard to listen to this clip and not get ‘Blocked by James’ PTSD from Mike Breen’s call

  20. scarrylary

    Not gonna lie I was expecting him to kick someone in the dick

  21. Between Steph’s offense and Dray’s defense, no franchise has went from neglected to spoiled quicker. It’s honestly inspirational

  22. cobainstaley

    i just watched a video of draymond with an incredible stop on jordan poole

  23. Apprehensive_Bug_172

    I thought it was the Jordan Poole video.

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