@Philadelphia 76ers

[ROINJNews] First look: Rendering of potential Sixers arena in Camden released — and it’s spectacular

by PessimistSixersFan


  1. rahbee33

    It’d be a lot prettier than the WFC that’s for sure.

  2. SleepinAcrossDaPew

    It’s beautiful for sure… but fuck that shit

  3. Serpico2

    Where is the parking?! Isn’t that the best part of not having it downtown?

  4. lonelystowner

    What if Philly just buys the city of Camden and makes it also Philly? Can we just do that? Take some of NJ?

  5. str00del

    Why are there stairs leading into the water?

  6. zolanphe

    Those pavilions outside only really work in warm-weather areas where chances of rain are low… imagine having to work in a ticket booth outside the stadium in early January? Nahhh

  7. iforgottolaughlol

    It’s not near any public transit. The city hall patco stop is too far away people will not want to make that walk after night games.

  8. babiesmakinbabies

    Well it’s definitely better than a prison.

  9. clingbat

    Looks fine by me, fuck the idiots who are against the Market East location and then bitch about this too.

    If it came to fruition, they should totally run a small ferry service on game days between that pier that juts out in the pic and the race street pier. Super easy access for those living on the east side of downtown or taking the subway to 2nd and Market St station. You could also add a stop at penn’s landing if it makes sense.

  10. wtfisjustwrong

    Looks like the Chase Center in sF

  11. roma258

    Zero transit access, lmao. Closest PATCO stop is what a mile away? Also, have fun getting on and off Ben Franklin with game traffic. Insane location, basically fucks anyone on the PA side of the river.

  12. SuperScrodum

    I liked the CC rendering better. It had defined edges and actually felt modern compared to this idea which feels like it’s trying to be modern.

    There is a lot of space behind those buildings, so there should be plenty of room for parking. Between that and the Patco and River Line being right there, it should be easy to get to. 

  13. SimmerOne7

    The steps are convenient for walking straight into the fucking Delaware after another 2nd round failure.

  14. Tiny-Hat-Tony

    Hope the NIMBYs are happy. We get to “preserve” Chinatown now instead of developing our city.

  15. cjmaguire17

    That water access gonna have to be cordoned off after what this teams done to us over all these years. Unless they plan on hiring life guards

  16. lovemyhawks

    Inb4 drunk fights on the 45 minute walk back over Ben result in numerous murders

    Seriously tho, unless there’s a plan (or even concepts of a plan 😁) for some sort of mass ferry or direct public transport, what’s the point of this?

  17. Dan-Flashes

    Unless they build some new railroad to go along with it they can go fuck themselves

  18. cherm27

    Hard to say this isn’t happening compared to the steep uphill climb to get anything built in CC. NJ will practically give it to them for free.

  19. MikeShannonThaGawd

    I feel like this is all a leverage play to get the Chinatown space approved.

    I just can’t believe they’d actually leave Philly.

  20. SomeGuyNamedJohn12

    If the only way for the Sixers to win a Championship is to move to Jersey, would you be cool with it?

  21. thomasthethothumb

    Christ, that looks like Miami, but even more of a traffic nightmare. Didn’t think that was possible. Keep Philly in Philly


    A Philly fan that lives in Jersey

  22. HoagieTwoFace

    Looks great. Call it in. Tired of you babies whining about it being over a bridge.

  23. annoyed_NBA_referee

    No parking lots at all. Bold move, NJ.

  24. MatCauthonsHat

    The franchise owning an arena in Philly is what, a billion dollars more valuable than owning an arena in Camden?

    Are the money hungry ducks that own this team ever going to settle for that?

  25. FormerCollegeDJ

    It’s interesting the proposed site for the Camden arena is NORTH of the Ben Franklin Bridge. That site would not be as good for transit access as south of the bridge.

    The straight line distance to the nearest, existing PATCO station (Camden City Hall) is a little more than 1/2 mile (and longer than that in actual travel via street distance) and the distance to the closest NJT RiverLINE station (Cooper Street/Rutgers-Camden) is almost 1/2 mile (and longer than that via the actual street system). There also only appears to be one existing bus route (NJT Route 452) that has stops adjacent to/within 1-2 blocks of the arena site, and that route does not enter Philadelphia.

  26. snowwarrior

    I wouldn’t ever step foot in that building if it got built in Camden.

  27. smileyplastic

    South Jersey Sixers? Oh please god no

  28. No_Mechanic_3299

    They need to find another arena solution in the city. Surprised Harris and them haven’t thought of building another arena within the Sports Complex area…

  29. philly2540

    Cool. But honestly this is just an idle threat, intended to gain more leverage over Philly.

  30. MushroomExpensive366

    I wouldn’t call this spectacular. The only thing that’s cool is that it’s on the river. The rest looks basic.

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