@Boston Celtics

Celtics ownership reportedly need to sell team due to loss of money over payroll | Sporting News – boooo irving, you’re worth billions lose some money for glory, for a DYNASTY.

Celtics ownership reportedly need to sell team due to loss of money over payroll | Sporting News – boooo irving, you’re worth billions lose some money for glory, for a DYNASTY.

by No-Storm1519


  1. Your__Pal

    I just can’t imagine being a 90 year old billionaire and being tight on money that your son is spending.  Does that seem insane to anyone else ?

  2. coacoanutbenjamn

    The good news is that it sounds like Wyc wasn’t going to let his father cheap out and he’s going to sell the team with the intent that these massive payroll bills get paid

  3. Chuckyducky6

    We are basically the Yankees, but our owner doesn’t want to pay anymore. At least the Yankees are cool with it.

  4. TimmyTimeify

    Running at a loss now to generate a return later is basically long-term planning, but apparently this geriatric billionaire needs to save money for… what? Legitimately don’t know why someone this old would be this stingy this late in life.

  5. GooseMay0

    It’s a source from the NY Post so I’m not sure how much credibility there is. That being said if true, Irving has one foot in the grave what does he care? If the siblings are fine with their cut when he dies why is he penny pinching?

  6. Fedora_expert

    Who cares, their loss.

    Celtics will very easily find a willing owner.

  7. Either-Extension-218

    As I understand it, they wouldn’t have to pay the second apron penalty until after this season & given I don’t think we should expect them to pay a $500 million tax, they can shed some salary after the season to get under (Porzingis). If we’re being realistic, Celtics fans shouldn’t blame them if they do so.

  8. bird1434

    Wyc is the only rich dude I fuck with love this man

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