@Oklahoma City Thunder

Common Knowledge

Common Knowledge

by ThunderTalk


  1. batler_forever

    Literally no one here wants their history.

  2. Hookmsnbeiishh

    When they get a new team; we’ll trade the history back for a first round pick.

  3. Legitimate_Train8499

    You take your green and get back to Seattle!! See ya on the court.

  4. GooseGang412

    Making a twitter handle to say what team you *don’t* support is psycho behavior lol

  5. Business-Loss-1585

    what is something that everyone agrees with

  6. MudLong3309

    I’m half tempted to keep their history just because I enjoy pettiness

  7. rushyt21

    Can they hurry up and get a team so a bunch of online dorks stop posting their 16 year old grievances?

    They don’t want us to have their history. We don’t want their history. But the league requires history follows teams so it’s not lost, so here we are.

  8. ElloGuvnah12

    Can you imagine this rivalry once Seattle gets a team again?

    The Kendrick Lamar type hate would flow through bricktown canal.

  9. ObiWantsKenobi

    So long seattle and thanks for the ring!

  10. justice_beaver69

    Gimme my all time Thunder team 2k and LEAVE GARY PAYTON OFF OF IT!

  11. Magictank2000

    whenever Seattle eventually gets the Sonics back that first game between the Thunder and Sonics in Seattle is going to be…. fun for the players to say the least, i would expect that to be the most hostile environment they’d have played in up to that point

    (for a couple years at least, after that i expect it to die down and be normal unless they go on to have an actual rivalry)

  12. Opposite_Hunter5048

    They can keep their ring and their Finals losses. We have our own history

  13. Neat_Injury9633

    Common Knowledge only to Oklahomans because the rest of the world hates us

  14. Neat_Injury9633

    I remember going to downtown OKC in the 90s and watching the Oklahoma Legends Gary Payton and Shawn Kemp light the Ford Center up

  15. Im_winning_dad

    Minneapolis basketball fan here, boy do I have a joke for you.

  16. EchoHevy5555

    The only reason I disagree is because people like KD Russ and Ibaka will always have been drafted by Seattle

    Like you can’t tell the history of this team without mentioning Seattle

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