@National Basketball Association

The Annual Video Of Ben Simmons In The Lab (Video from his Skills Coach @Cbrickley603)

The Annual Video Of Ben Simmons In The Lab (Video from his Skills Coach @Cbrickley603)

by TheRealPdGaming


  1. sstphnn

    You can’t hurt Sixers fans anymore with these hope inducing videos.

  2. junkit33

    This is such a meme at this point that I can’t believe he still allows these to be filmed and posted.

  3. downinCarolina

    as someone who has back pain, those slow pivots hurt to watch. this dude is just here so he won’t get fined

  4. aStarCloud

    The Nets will need every last one of those jumpers this season to ensure that they capture the Flagg.

  5. ItsRebelSheep

    I was wondering when it would be this time of year again. Rejoice everyone for Ben Simmons can shoot this one day only before we go full Monstars and steal his powers.

  6. ForeverOdd

    Ben has the chance to do the funniest thing ever and play 75 games and drag the nets to a play in loss instead of tanking

  7. TheGreenLandEffect

    His form on the jump shot is still so bad, how has no one corrected his elbow flaring out? Wait I remember why, his brother is his shooting coach

    Edit: was his coach, not currently

  8. rickeyethebeerguy

    I did (35 year old , just play pick up games) a basketball workout 10x harder than this today at the gym alone. Hes not even breaking a sweat


    I can honestly totally relate to moths flying into lightbulbs over and over again because for some reason I still believe Ben Simmons is gonna come back and be a productive nba player

  10. Huckleberry_Sin

    That jumper STILL looks like it’s fucked. He’s not squared up he’s shooting that bitch sideways

  11. Generic_Commentator

    It would be the most Nets’ thing if Ben *does* magically revert to prime Ben, adds a midrange, and ruins the tank.

    It won’t happen, but it’d be funny if it did.

  12. Bajecco

    All these years later, The Young Socialite still has the exact same weird release. No change whatsoever. Tremendous

  13. BurnerAccountforAss

    1. Why does he practice stuff he will never do in games?

    2. Ben Simmons’ skills coach being named “Brickley” is a bit on the nose from the NBA script writers

  14. UnCannyYam

    The balls side spin is crazy on some of those shots..

  15. SectorNo2661

    Babes, wake up! The new Ben Simmons off-season, almost game shape, ready video just dropped 🔥. I heard they’re targeting next season right after the in-season tournament, around the conference finals after the 2027-2028, almost game shape, ready video drops! The league better watch out!

  16. That delayed hitch in his jump shot shows you his form is still wack. Those crossover dribbles were so weak and covered so little space that even a traffic cone could lock him up. These clips are sad

  17. heyyo173

    He’s ready. This is it, this is the proof we’ve been waiting for, give this man a contract!

  18. MInkton

    How the fuck are shot mechanics still so busted?

  19. spinuch

    It pisses me off so much watching him practice fades. He would literally never take a jumper without movement. Set your fucking feet and shoot the ball more than once in a game…then work on more difficult shots. I might sound dumb here but I watched every sixer game he played in.

  20. jimmylamstudio

    Those aren’t in game shots. He looks like me when I warm up and I’m considered obese. And considering the clips typically cut after 2-3 shots, he could possibly be missing every other shot. Players could easily drain 10 in a row. If such a clip existed for Ben, they definitely would’ve posted it but they didn’t.

  21. paradockers

    Not impressed. Dude is not coming back.

  22. CarisLeVertsBurner

    it’s really sad that his body is completely shot but i cannot wait for this man to be off my team. i hope he doesn’t play a single minute this season. saying this as a big fan of his game and what he brings when healthy.

  23. BallIsKindaLife

    Why is Ben working on stuff that he’ll never use in the game?

  24. Ell26greatone

    It always bothered me how much his hand was behind the ball instead of underneath it.

    Now, it is behind the ball and on the side. I’m assuming he’s going to curve the ball into the hoop.

    Folks, please do not fall for this. Just because the shots are going down in practice does not mean they are going to go down in games. The form is worse than it was before

  25. thissiteisbroken

    Why’s he still shooting left? Isn’t he a righty?

  26. instantur

    Why does he even bother practicing threes if he never attempts them in actual games?

  27. afecalmatter

    His shot is still broke af. His release is very late, so NBA defenses will pounce on that. Nevermind that it’s just bad mechanics. His coaches should be forcing him to figure out a one-motion shot.

  28. apollyon_53

    When you’re right handed but want to shoot the ball left handed from the right side of your body

  29. IC3man95

    Watching him shoot it’s clear he’s shooting with the wrong hand

  30. Holiday_Driver_923

    It’s that time of year when Ben Simmons work out video showing him shooting … Not falling for this shit again

  31. illzkla

    When he switches to righty I’ll know he’s taking it serious

  32. chukelemon

    60 year olds at the community center can do this 😂

  33. FlatulenceConnosieur

    His form is terrible, seriously his shot is all wrist and he keeps his elbow out wide, terrible.

  34. Larrydp72181

    ChatGPT has come a long way in making videos

  35. herring80

    How many hours of film are on the cutting room floor lol

  36. DudeAbides1556

    Pay me hundreds of millions to fart around in the gym like a sixth grader

  37. smashey

    Cam’ron had a bar the other day, something along the lines of ‘dont try me, I don’t play no games, Ben Simmons’

  38. redmostofit

    Jesus Christ his skills coach has the word BRICK in his name? Of course he does.

    Also there’s no point in Ben doing these drills at such slow speeds. He’s never going to get open moving like that and when there are defenders on him he’ll probably.. I dunno. Throw it away.

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