@Golden State Warriors

Progression of the Warriors’ City Edition jerseys since their introduction in 2017-18.

Last time I did this with the Statement Edition jerseys, the use of the word ‘evolution’ in the title really struck a chord with some lol so I went with ‘progression’ this time. 😂

by taygads


  1. ButtonMashKingz

    The newest one is an absolute joke, looks like a 12 year old designed it in MS Paint

  2. Letronika

    Yeah.. I’m sorry but they have just gotten worse over the years. Last years kinda grew on me, but this years version is a hard pass

  3. SyCoTiM

    Top left and the one in the exact middle are my favorites.

  4. shhsheuudhfjdiiejw

    I’ll never forget scumbag Anthony lamb in the women’s empowerment jersey. Lowlight for the org and Lacob.

  5. BaldLucPicard

    The new one is the worst one we’ve had for a while.

  6. Kdog122025

    I’m tired Nike. Give me the gold and blues.

  7. vdolla541

    These last 3 are awful, have they been hiring a college intern to design them?

  8. Cheesyweeny420

    Nothing tops that Oakland 23 jersey, just if 30 was on it.


    3-5 were pretty good. 1-2 were cool for the uniqueness and culture factor. Everything else is ass

  10. InevitableBudget510

    What in the fuck is that last one? Is there no logo in the middle? Thats one of the worst jerseys I have ever seen lmao

  11. ImperialTiger3

    The flower ones could’ve been so cool without the massive flower at the bottom. Overall, they been steadily getting worse.

  12. Altruistic-Twist-379


  13. ernmanstinky

    It’s like the warriors new city edition and the kings New city edition are.long last fraternal twins.

  14. rodan-rodan

    The mix tape jerseys were fire. I still want one.

  15. thelastestgunslinger

    I loved last year’s City Jersey. I wish I had been in a position to get one.

  16. noubmast3r69

    I bet Nike is having a 12 years old design their jersey for the NBA

  17. neo9027581673

    WHO is advising on these jerseys? That last one sucks ASS.

  18. neo9027581673

    The Antonio Lamb WOMEN EMPOWERMENT JERSEY was really the cats meow.

  19. DerelictInfinity

    The first one is GOATed. First Warriors jersey I ever bought.

  20. big_oopth

    I hate all the negative space on this year’s. At least the classic looks good.

  21. terrytek

    They were so god damn good up to 2022……..then it all went to shit right after that season. Everything past 2022 has been such a travesty for the city edition I can’t believe the NBA hasn’t fired nike from designing jerseys ever again (though that’s never happening since silver doesn’t care about how it looks as long as there’s still suckers buying these nike designed jerseys)

  22. WhiteElephant12

    The RUN TMC Black ones were the best. We also won a chip in those so they get an extra point for that

  23. EffingBarbas

    Bolts and the Bridge. Everything that followed was meh.

  24. Tecmo_91

    It’s been all downhill since the championship season, kind of fitting considering the team is in decline as well.

  25. jav0wab0

    The slate jerseys from like 2015 don’t count??

    There’s also like a sf cable car edition that came out, I have the DG one.

  26. DonyellFreak

    These suck but they only need a small percentage of NBA fans to buy this crap to make it profitable.

    I hate how much we’ve looked more like the Spurs than they have over the last decade.

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