@National Basketball Association

The Raptors won the 1996 draft lottery, but due to the expansion agreement, had to surrender the #1 overall pick to Philadelphia, who selected Allen Iverson. Toronto selected Marcus Camby at #2

Windhorst mentioned this on his podcast this morning and I had never heard anything about it

by MettaWorldConflict


  1. Relevant_Evidence_98

    What a different league it would have been

  2. blacksoxing

    Looking back at that draft….You could say that if the Raptors traded back they MAY have found some success ;). Whenever I hear about the ’96 draft I think of A.I…but I also think of


    – KOBE


    – PEJA

    – J O’Neal, who was tearing it up for Indy until the infamous brawl

    More importantly though it’s easy to see “damn, they could have had A.I!!!” but they also didn’t have a true “big” from doing quick research….so Camby could have been that great player for them.

    More importantly, as we know, sometimes the player is made by coaching & their surroundings. We may not have gotten the legendary player that we all saw (and loved) in Toronto.

  3. I remember reading the expansion team agreement vaguely mentioned here was not to let stars go to expansion team so early because it’s not fair to the rest of the league. The Magic got Shaq and Penny and that soured some folks.

  4. jdolan98

    Will this happen again? Or do they make up the expansion rules each time, nothing really seemed set in stone from the brief amount of looking into it I did

  5. No_Yogurtcloset8529

    and the league hasn’t stopped screwing over the raptors since

  6. WhatShouldTheHeartDo

    When your team misses out on your all time favorite player🥲

  7. It’s not that those 3 didn’t like TO, 2 of them re-signed.

    Bosh wanted to team up w Super friends,

    TMac wanted his own team to get out from VCs shadow and

    VC left bc Babcock was fucking up, communication broke down, along w a variety of other minor convenience and lifestyle conflicts management created.

  8. pakattack91

    It’s OK we got Bargnani, so it all evens out in the end

  9. SuperVaderMinion

    The same thing happened when The Grizzlies had the worst record in the league but were not eligible for the #1 pick because they were an expansion team.

    That was the Tim Duncan draft.

  10. bball_nostradamus

    They just didn’t like giving canada any advantages.

  11. Bonesawisready5

    Yeah it was bullshit. Maybe they don’t get Carter too but can you imagine oooof

  12. To be fair, if you have to give up the #1 pick for the #2, this was the year to do it.

  13. EvergreenHulk

    Would they have taken Iverson? Damon Stoudamire had just won Rookie of the Year. I know it sounds crazy to say once their careers are over, but Iverson would not have been a lock at that pick if it was Toronto.

  14. Alternative-Cry3369

    Vancouver still should have selected local boy Steve Nash

  15. GotMoFans

    And of course, there was no one else in that draft worthy of the Hall of Fame.


  16. TBF Marcus Camby was a very well regarded prospect who single handedly dragged UMass to the final four

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