@Chicago Bulls

In a recent season, while addressing new employees, Reinsdorf was asked which matters more: the Bulls or White Sox winning? Rather than answer diplomatically, Reinsdorf, without hesitation, said the White Sox.

“In a recent season, while addressing new employees, Reinsdorf was asked which matters more: the Bulls or White Sox winning? Rather than answer diplomatically, Reinsdorf, without hesitation, said the White Sox.”

by owenjs


  1. MoistTheAnswer

    He makes his money with the Bulls but he loves baseball.

    He should do the Bulls a favor and sell.

  2. FellFromCoconutTree

    Well that’s going fantastic for him

  3. lyme6483

    One of the biggest pieces of shit in sports

  4. illinoises

    He’s also told his family to sell the Sox and keep the Bulls upon his death.


  5. Looking at the Sox rn, I don’t believe that

  6. Regular-Ad7589

    Shit like this makes me glad the Sox are horrible

  7. Snake_Burton

    That guy is why I stopped caring about the Bulls. In the 90s they were unquestionably my favorite team. I finally gave up in the 2010s.

  8. Single_Oven_819

    The article also noted that he told his family to sell the White Sox and keep the bulls.

  9. breighvehart

    It doesn’t matter that he favors the Sox. I figure any owner who has multiple franchises has a favorite. Doesn’t mean you have to treat the Bulls like a neglected adopted child while buying your “real” kids all the birthday gifts they want

  10. Bradlas3

    It would be a terrible way to do things but at least do that then. If the White Sox had a Dodgers level payroll and actually won a lot it would still suck for the basketball side of things but at least you can fall back on the Sox success

    Instead basically the Bulls are just doing enough to sneak into the playoffs to fund a team that may end up going down as the worst in history and haven’t won the World Series in almost 20 years

  11. volantredx

    After seeing what Jones has done to the Cowboys, and Tepper has done to the Panthers there are worse things than an owner who doesn’t care too much.

  12. RoseAboveKing

    fuck the sox and jerry. he’s been a garbage owner that has been blessed by talent

  13. themiddleshoe

    Mr. Cash Considerations himself.

    It’s been pretty obvious for a long time he doesn’t actually give a shit about the Bulls.

    Can’t remember how long ago it was, but swear he sold a 2nd rounder for cash, and like the next day he gave a Sox player a new deal.

    Bulls are just helping him fund his Sox pet project. Surprise, they suck too!

  14. Aromatic_Recording_4

    Bulls are easy money for him

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