@Los Angeles Lakers

LeBron Was P*ssed At JR Smiths Blunder 😳

LeBron Was P*ssed At JR Smiths Blunder 😳


  1. LeBron left that man on a island! I Remember watching that game and JR was about to pass him the ball and LeBron pointed to the corner and forced that man to change his mind in a split second and never took responsibility for that shit! Go back and watch the film.

  2. Wait a minute Jr I thought you said you thought yall was up by 2 lol when asked the first time lol come on now but if bro didn’t miss we wouldn’t be talking about it so

  3. At this point I'm just like he was either high or he panicked but he was a SEASONED NBA VET at that point, no excuses just admit you messed up. Aint no shame in it now, you're retired 😅

  4. This is why you should never do drugs. Bro told 1100 different versions of the same event. 😂😂😂SAY NO TO DRUGS KIDS

  5. Once J.R caught the Ball anybody from the Cavs Organization couldve called a timeout. Smith, Bron, Coach etc.

  6. One play don't change a game. Typically not. But Jimmy Butler would disagree. A play for the last second tip in pass did him well.

    Ray Allen would disagree, as Bosh s last second decision to kick it out to him changed basketball history.

    Tim Duncan would disagree. If he'd have done a bank shot instead of a hook shot he'd have won.

    Patrick Ewing would disagree. If he'd have made a hook shot instead of trying to bank it in he'd have won it all.

    Mailman Malone would disagree (fvck this guy btw) if he wouldn't have fumbled on that last play it's very likely he'd have bested MJ

    One play, in the game ending seconds, DOES change a play

  7. If it's big ass was under there to get the rebound he could have made those decisions he's as big as Rick Mahorn with plays like Muggsy Bogues no disrespect Muggsy Bogues how he comes up small and big times

  8. jr cap, it was no timeouts left to call, he thought they were up by two so he thought they won, that’s why he ran with so much excitement & didn’t look for bron

  9. Worst part is everyone keeps blaming him for not taking the timeout. Anyone else on the court or the coach could have called it too. He fkd up. But so did 5 other people in the same moment.

  10. It’s not about the team put it on you. Stop whining. You made a mistake. Take some ownership. Then move on

  11. We respect your years that you had with the team but not taking accountability here is just a bad look and it exposes your character.

  12. Everyone makes mistakes… but to make one of your worst ones and not take responsibility, and try to blame others when you were solely at fault. That's not even a man, that's a little boy.

  13. You fucked up Jr that's it. Face it and take the responsibility of you being not fully aware of the game.

  14. Be a man, Smith.. you made a huge mistake.. just put your hand in the hair and say it was your fault, you are sorry.. and you wish you could change it but unfortunately you can't.. people would have had more respect for you and forgive you..instead, you try to find excuses, blame the team and others. You have no shame.. get out of here.. clown..😏😏

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