@Oklahoma City Thunder

First rate class from Seattle fans!

First rate class from Seattle fans!

by GraphicVideo


  1. Zingyyy

    No need to continue to give piece of shit anonymous human beings even more of a platform. Just report/block and move on.

  2. TheJimReaper6

    “We don’t have anything against the fans just Clay Bennett”

  3. roastedhambone

    Are these in response to Clemente’s rage-bait article that he decided to post in Seattle subs?

    Edit: to everyone pissed off about this, go report the comment to Reddit, but make sure to report Clemente too for breaking both the Sonics and Thunder sub rules


    I’ll be real. If I lived in Seattle Washington I’d also hate people from a nice place like OKC too. Hard to be mad at them really. Heck I’d hate people from the other side of Washington for not having to deal with Seattle.

  5. batler_forever

    Yeah this is why I haven’t felt bad for them in years. I want the sonics back just so they’ll stop being bitches

  6. HoopLoop2

    I live near Seattle and am a Thunder fan since they acquired the team because it’s the closest thing to a team I got. Not all of us feel this hatred.

  7. RumblesBurner

    Hey you’d be angry too if you woke up every morning to a someone smoking crack under your balcony and/or shitting on the sidewalk. At least that was my experience every morning when I went to Seattle for a week.

  8. ericlikesyou

    I had a short argument with someone bc they said when public figures talk about gettin death threats online, it’s “exaggerated” and “overblown for sympathy”. I told him to check ESPN sports comment threads and saw some of vile comments saying that moronic shit. If it’s that bad on the internet sports threads, how is it unbelievable that people online would get the same level if not worse, for far trivial shit?

  9. stonerslug47

    as a Californian, Seattle is trash 😂😂😂 . Talking like they are apart of the elite. no one cares about the wall of chewed gum

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