@National Basketball Association

[Marks] A financial look at the Big 3 in Philadelphia $715M committed

[Marks] A financial look at the Big 3 in Philadelphia $715M committed

by Proof-Umpire-7718


  1. SquimJim

    The trick is to sell the team so someone else has to pay the bill

  2. Proof-Umpire-7718

    Philly are going all in with this trio. I think this is Embiid’s best chance at winning a chip outside of the 2018-19 team.

    I think they have a 2-3 year window before the team has to blow it up and rebuild. This is because by that time, Embiid and PG will become too old and injury prone to be able to reliably play a major role in a contending team.

    The team will also probably become extremely hampered by the second apron’s financial restrictions and their role players will diminish in trade value.

    It should be interesting to see how they go this season and throughout their entire contention window thought.

  3. Slymook

    There’s no world where Embiid is going to be allowed to flop his way to 4 series wins in a row. The league won’t allow it. One or two series sure, but not 4.

    Maxey is just insane tho there are some playoff caliber teams who don’t even have the personnel to match up with him. He’s too fast and too crafty and is just difficult to keep from getting into the paint, plus he can shoot

  4. Next-Firefighter-753

    You have to max Embiid but damn I would be really worried about his health history which has always been more unkind with age. 

  5. No_Pomelo2333

    If this doesn’t work, rough times ahead

  6. roma258

    I have my issues with the ownership group, but they’re spending their $ that’s for sure.

  7. TheBrazilianKD

    Its weird not seeing Tobias on these lists anymore

  8. Soggy_muffins55

    As a Knicks fan I am more scared of a healthy sixers team than any other team. Celtics and thunder r close behind and a healthy giannis w dame will always be scary.

    Say what u want about embiid dude avg 33 and 11 against us jn that series on one leg on great efficiency. Dude dropped fucking 50 on like only 20 shot attempts he is easily a top 4 player(I’d argue top 2) in the league when healthy and absolutely unstoppable if he wants to be

  9. aesop_fables

    They have a 1-2 year window in arguably the best East we’ve seen in some time.

  10. rawonionbreath

    That’s a lot of cash that’s literally being held up by Joel Embiid’s knees.

  11. opkpopfanboyv3

    Dawg that’s enough for a lifetime subscription for Netflix/mangaplus/Spotify and shit

  12. Charliebitme1234

    Playoff P and Joel Choke-biid in the second round will be insane

  13. GlenRiversForPrison

    The alternative was to blow it up. I think they have a shot at beating the Knicks and if injuries go their way they could take the Celtics to 7. You can’t really ask for much more at this point. I don’t think blowing it up now puts them in a better position to win 5 years from now.


    Morey’s gonna spend some time with his family as soon as this superteam fails.

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