@National Basketball Association

Tatum got a tattoo of himself kissing the Larry O’Brien trophy


Can't make this stuff up. In a dogfight with Lamelo for the worst NBA tattoos

by Classics22


  1. JackDellaCumalena

    Tatum is cringe but that’s just who he is

  2. dameplsrunfromgrind

    Looks more like Derrick White

  3. Roxxor7

    I mean better than the shoe if you ask me.

  4. chungus_wungus

    Getting a tattoo of *yourself* is just dumb lmao.

  5. ThingsAreAfoot

    Looks like heโ€™s kissing a xenomorph egg.

  6. thy_armageddon

    Alright, who let Ben Affleck talk him into getting a back tattoo?

  7. notafunnyperson1728

    Is this why Kerr didnโ€™t play him ? Too cringe

  8. xyzyxzy

    He’s trying to make his body a canvas of the story of his life. He’s going to get a tattoo artist to tattoo a portrait of himself on his deathbed as he dies as the final piece.

  9. walterdog12

    Why does it oddly look like Derrick White more than Tatum?

  10. americanbeaver

    Looking at Tatum shirtless from the front: nice

    Looking at Tatum shirtless from the back: oh no

  11. vitalbumhole

    Dude is very corny but let him cook if it makes him happy

  12. SantasScrotum

    His tattoos look like some shit from a create a character template

  13. bobmcadoo9088

    reminds me when he got GODS PLAN on his back with no apostrophe

  14. Cul_what

    Tatum’s PR team gotta be God’s strongest soldiers

  15. brickvanexel

    Famous people have the worst taste in tattoos

  16. JayneVeidt

    What is it with NBA players and goofy tattoos?

  17. Jhco022

    0% chance of running it back with that lame ass tat.

  18. MarylandBlue

    He should get a tattoo of himself texting Kobe

  19. Brussel-Westsprout

    Put a bible verse about putting all your trust in god as a tatoo on his back, then proceed to add right under it the most vain tattoo possible

    The world would probably be a better place if people stopped pretending to be Christian

  20. PardonthePanda

    Fucks sake there are so many incredible tattoo artists out there, and these guys with more money than some small nations get this shit done. Good lord.

  21. Talls024

    Reminds me of the Steveo thumbs up tattoo.

    Somehow this isnโ€™t even the worst tattoo on Jayson Tatum

  22. Ickulus

    He should have had them put it on his neck, so the tattoo would have gave a small version of itself on it. If the artist was good enough, maybe they could even go a level deeper and have the tattoo’s tattoo have a tattoo of its own.

  23. DtotheOUG

    I try to defend and say the dude isn’t corny, but holy fuck this is peak cornball.

  24. oof_madon

    Just when I thought this dude couldnโ€™t be any more corny

  25. AlanJY92

    Whyโ€™s nba players and most athletes get some of the worst looking tattoos? Absolutely comical.

  26. thenexttimebandit

    Itโ€™s less dumb than getting a tattoo of a shoe

  27. introextromidtro

    Cringe as fuck but I’ll give him this, it’s somehow less cringe than if it was a random fan getting a tattoo of Tatum kissing the trophy…

  28. tenacious-g

    Is he going to get himself sitting on the bench at the Olympics next?

  29. Haptiix

    At this point Iโ€™m pretty sure he is deliberately trolling r/nba

  30. Abc0331

    Tatum is the NBAโ€™s answer to Russell Wilson

  31. conanfan10001

    one of the worst things about today is how ubiquitous tattoos are. every other person has tattoos, even just random scribbles. like people feel they HAVE to get a tattoo, i guess because everyone else is getting them. and athletes are the worst, tattoos are already indicative of having a huge ego, but these athletes who cover their entire limbs or bodies in tattoos is ridiculous. like messi being covered in tattoos, thats one of the funniest. when mthe large majority of women doing porn or onlyfans shit have tattoos, you know you shouldnt be getting them

    stop getting fucking tattoos.

  32. HelloS0n

    Shitโ€™s kinda corny, but you can clearly tell the motive behind his back art. Not gonna fault a dude for reaching and.. commemorating.. his lifeโ€™s accomplishments.

  33. WobbleKun

    i do kinda like the idea of his life’s milestones being his tattoos of choice. story telling wise i appreciate the concept. could’ve been worse lol

  34. MyUsernameIsUhhhh

    Iโ€™m biased cause flair but holy shit you guys are squids lmao. The man got a tattoo woopty due

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