@Houston Rockets

[Feigen] Houston Rockets buy out forward A.J. Griffin as he mulls his NBA future… via @houstonchron

[Feigen] Houston Rockets buy out forward A.J. Griffin as he mulls his NBA future… via @houstonchron

by KillerDinner


  1. PlantainSuper-Nova

    Jack gets his spot/minutes, right?

  2. MFxKool

    He’s got a rapture to prep for or something. Wish him the best.

  3. juan_cena99

    classy move by the Rox. Too bad it didnt work out but if he changes his mind later on Rox can get him back I’m sure.

  4. suicideskinnies

    21 years old walking away from money like that….I hope he’s okay. He’s going to regret it though.

  5. BettyOddler

    Yo i feel for him but imo its pretty crazy you can just decide to step away and still keep the cash

  6. Thebiggest6200

    Hopefully he get his mental right , shit he have the money already that don’t matter without the mind right

  7. GoatProfessional4389

    Maybe he knew he wasn’t going to be one of their top 13 players (active). Which means, G-LEAGUE or Street CLOTHES. #Dépressing

  8. the-burnin8or

    I won a framed rockets poster in a raffle as a kid in grade school, with one player signature, Adrian Griffin’s. I had some hope when we first acquired AJ that it would be cool if he managed to carve out a nice career with us but it definitely wasn’t meant to be.

  9. NoirSon

    He wasn’t a Rocket long, but I wish him the best and hope all works out for whatever path he decides to follow.

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