@Atlanta Hawks

What do you expect from Kobe this season ?

It’s Kobe’s birthday today and it made me realize that nobody is talking about him since Dyson Daniels arrived, but last year we saw solid defensive plays from Kobe.

With DJ gone, he has a good chance to have minutes as the second PG and maybe as a SG next to Trae.

What do you think ?

by Sigoy


  1. I expect Kobe to be better than most I think.  Just because we didn’t see him in Summer League doesn’t mean he hasn’t taken a jump this off season.  Summer League isn’t where players get better, it’s where they show the improvement they made from the work they’ve been putting the months prior.  Our FO obviously viewed Kobe as the leader of the Summer League squad and planned to run our offense through him.

    Kobe is really young.  His high IQ allowed him to take a massive jump from freshmen to sophomore year in college.  We have a great developmental staff.  I expect Kobe to average around 8/4/3/1 as our primary backup PG with above average POA defense. 

  2. syxx242000

    Close to nothing to be honest. He’ll be just another warm body if he gets minutes. Not sure why people are expecting anything other than maybe 4-5 ppg as plenty of guards have come through here and been just another guy on the bench. Same thing with Dyson Daniels who I also expect a very minimal contribution from. But great perimeter defense from both would help the team tremendously.

  3. atlbars

    Well I hope he can stay healthy. Besides that don’t know what to expect

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