@Toronto Raptors

José Calderón joined the NBA in 2005 on the Raptors. He played with us until 2013. He led the league in assists per turnover (4.5) for the third time in five years at the conclusion of the 2011-2012 regular season

José Calderón joined the NBA in 2005 on the Raptors. He played with us until 2013. He led the league in assists per turnover (4.5) for the third time in five years at the conclusion of the 2011-2012 regular season

by falcon_ember


  1. falcon_ember

    IMO he’s one of the more unappreciated players we’ve had. I don’t see his name mentioned a lot in discussions about past great players.

  2. GeeMcMania

    He was a decent piece for us at the pg position.

  3. He’s my personal fave. I mean Lowry is the GROAT and my favourite nba player of all time, but Jose is my fave Rap of all time.

  4. kpeds45

    He was a piss poor 3 point shooter his first two years. .163 his first season. He worked hard on his form and became a 40% + guy.

  5. No-Ad1522

    Forderon was so promising at the time. I still never forgave Al Horford for basically ending TJ Fords career.

  6. heat_fan_

    One of the most underrated Raptors ever 

  7. ShapeOfAUnicorn

    If only he had Marc Gasol around to teach him how to be the best passer.

  8. EducatorReasonable38

    Remember when he lead the nba in assist to turnover ratio

  9. jafferbee

    What’s crazy is that he was a wild man in his rookie season whipping the ball at dudes who weren’t ready for it, trying risky outlet passes etc. and went from having passes fly into the stands twice a game to having the best AST/TO ratio in the league.

  10. WeBelieveIn4

    Love Jose but his assist to turnover ratio was very misleading in terms of his effectiveness. He would dribble the air out of the ball looking for the safest possible pass, then dump it off to a jump shooter. He wasn’t creating tons of easy looks, because he had no ability to penetrate, though he ran the pick and roll well.

    In that 2011-12 season we had the 29th ranked offense in the NBA. In 2008-09 the 22nd offense. In 2010-11 the 20th ranked offense. When Jose went to Dallas they had a great offense but that was because he wasn’t allowed to dominate the ball.

  11. Past-Honeydew-3650

    I’m pretty sure he also holds the record for most consecutive free throws scored. Ngl 06’ this was my guy, either him or Nash lol

  12. Scrizzy6ix

    He was my favourite PG before Lowry came in. He was a steady man who knew his job, terrible defender though. Led the league in FT% I think twice(?) (he was automatic from the line)

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