@Los Angeles Lakers

Can Ben Simmons Return to All Star Level 🤔 #shorts

Can Ben Simmons Return to All Star Level 🤔 #shorts


  1. Mccants hit this one on the money ppl forget how gifted Ben actually was while playing the point guard position it wasn’t even the fact whether he can shoot or not it’s the fact that mfer was a presence that you have to account for on the floor because he don’t move like the typical 6’10 guy

  2. Hell has frozen over, McCants actually making a legitimate argument is mind boggling

  3. Maan fug Ben Simmons nobody cares about a guy that doesn’t want it and has all the gifts in the world. Sorry the rest of us have to get up and get it

  4. This man is really crazy we not talking regular season we talking playoffs he did not average that in the playoffs he was a liability

  5. Why is everybody still talking about this dude because the dumb ass owners keep giving him money,it’s been too long now,that Ben ain’t never coming back

  6. Somebody said it should’ve let him alone he was dominating without shooting but he gotta say fuck em to the world and do him until he do he gone be a shell of himself

  7. I know it’s a short clip, but did McCants really just tried to defend a 6”10 nicca passing up a lay up under the rim? Why cuz “that’s what he do?”

  8. So basically Rashad is saying it’s Ben’s confidence and for once I agree with Rashad but Kmart said on another episode he feels Ben lost his passion for the game

  9. Man this is all on Simmons. He gave up a lay up with Trae young defending. That started it. The times he's played he's the not the same aggressively. Yeah it's probably rust since he sat himself for 3 years now. But has nothing to do with outside forces. That's an internal issue he has

  10. Rashad may be right, but Jennings is not wrong. Yes, Ben at 6'10 with supporting pieces was a threat as a pure PG, and defensively during his Philly stint arguably was the best defensive player in the league at that time. it also comes to show that Jennings is also right, it's on him to expand his offensive game.

  11. Of course the guy whos carrier was a hihe disappointment makes all the excuses for ben. If ben cant get it together mentally thats literally on him

  12. Rashad just be talking ..bro went from talking about his jump shot to him passing up a layup .. 2 different things bru

  13. If he doesn’t worry about shooting 3’s and use his size and athleticism hell yeah,he needs to find a way to get his confidence back!

  14. Ben need to go the magic route. Fr. Just run a fast pace offense. When he is match wit smaller guys drive it

  15. Man is a bum. Why not just work on ya jumpshot instead of needing therapy cause his feelings got hurt 😭

  16. I didn’t know he wasn’t an all star level player anymore .. guess I didn’t get that memo

  17. There’s no defending Ben I’m sorry.
    You CANNOT be a star player in a critical playoff game. Wide open under the rim at 6’10 and pass the ball. He was scared, shook. And in pro sports you cannot win with no heart

  18. no sympathies. has a 99.99 percentile body built for basketball greatness. Instead of the 99.99 percentile dedication and commitment to basketball we got from similar genetic freaks like Giannis and Bron we got a 50% commitment to Instagram and pop culture and 2 annual summer workout videos ..

  19. Sp what i wanna know with all him money Connections ect why cant je get the proper traing to truly help his shooting % why hasn't this happened????

  20. So because he doesn't shoot, when he's legitimately under the basket, his teammates shouldn't expect him to score on a defender nearly a foot shorter? & Because he's chosen not to shoot, it's totally fine that his unwillingness to even attempt a shot stagnates the half court offense, and hindered the best player's attack?

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