@National Basketball Association

In 2001, Vince Carter graduated from UNC with a bachelor’s in African American studies. Years later it is revealed that the Afro-American studies department was committing academic fraud, suggesting Vince left for a fraudulent graduation ceremony the day of Game 7 vs the 76ers

In 2001, Vince Carter graduated from UNC with a bachelor’s in African American studies. Years later it is revealed that the Afro-American studies department was committing academic fraud, suggesting Vince left for a fraudulent graduation ceremony the day of Game 7 vs the 76ers

by chungus_wungus


  1. yaaanevaknow

    Also years later, UNC allowed James Madison’s football team to score 53 points in the first half.

  2. Justin_FieldsisElite

    Says more about the school than anything else

  3. legend023

    Good thing college athletes started taking school more seriously after this

  4. Ok-Discipline9998

    Not even the most hate fueled soccer fans can reach so damn hard

  5. MitchLGC

    As a card carrying UNC hater this is s a ridiculous thread

    Most of the confirmed fraud happened more than a decade after VC graduated.

    Sure, there was likely some of it going on back then too, as in many schools but reaching his hard to hate is weird

  6. GotMoFans

    Quite the leap if he actually got a degree that day. The graduation ceremony was very legitimate.

    Has Vince Carter’s degree been rescinded? If not, then you’re wrong OP. You’re making blanket accusations about an individual you don’t have any proof wasn’t doing his own academic work.

    Plus Carter left before his eligibility was out, so what’s the benefit for him or UNC to have him spend three years working on the bachelors degree after leaving school? He was making tens of millions in NBA salary and endorsements; what’s the point if he didn’t really care?

  7. FloweringSkull67

    As a Gopher fan who witnessed games with my own eyes that supposedly don’t exist, I say DEATH PENALTY /s

  8. freeslurpee

    This is a bold, bold, bold ass statement.

    Unfair to discredit the man’s degree or graduation without objective proof sir/ma’am

  9. MrPapi-Churro

    No mention of Vince Carter in the article, the reach is astounding

  10. TheRealK95

    Idk about the allegation against Vince Carter. But lord that “essay” the student athlete at UNC wrote about Rosa Parks, which passed laughably is just a sad reminder of how sports > education in so many of these schools.

  11. logicalcommenter4

    For the record, there were REAL classes in the Af-Am program at UNC. I took some of them. The situation does a real disservice to students who took actual courses but are now lumped into the fake independent courses that were heavily skewed towards athletes. Also, we have zero data saying that Vince Carter took fake classes. Vince left UNC in 1998. The probe says that the fake classes happened starting Fall of 1997, which is the final year Vince was on campus before going to the NBA. Considering he left as a Junior there is nothing to say he took fake classes.

  12. Suns_AZCards

    He could have made a promise to a parent, grand parent or himself to graduate/walk. I’m glad he did if that was his personal goal.

    He didn’t need this degree, he had already been a pro for a few years. Team owner allowed him to use his plane to get there and back. So he had his bosses permission.

    You don’t know anything about his academic integrity.

  13. Mindless_Bid_5162

    I mean no disrespect to Vince Carter but I don’t think more of him because he graduated with a degree in African American studies.

  14. wvtarheel

    I was at UNC in the same time frame. I heard from a buddy of mine who was an athletic tutor how easy the AFAM courses were. Better than Rocks for Jocks (UNC’s infamous geology elective where the average height was 6’8″ tall)

    So I started taking AFAM classes. They didn’t take roll and you got graded on one paper. You could do 23 credit hours of that shit and only write papers for a week at the end of the semester and get an A.

    I graduated UNC in only three years, saving me a lot of money because I was an out of state student. My GPA went from a respectable 3.2 to a 3.8 before I graduated due to these cake classes. I ended up going to law school.

    So here I am, 22+ years later. I’m a partner at one of the largest law firms in the United States. But, I know deep down that my degree is in fact phony, my GPA was phony, and so therefore my law degree is phony, and all my life accomplishments are in fact based off this “alleged” academic fraud.

    It’s kinda funny

  15. Knowing Vince, he was the only one actually doing homework

  16. rawonionbreath

    Some of the worst academic fraud I can remember and UNC got a wrist slap for it.

  17. Ehxcalibur

    You can really tell who was born after 2000 or who is a bitter adult in the recent Vince hate threads lmao, just pulling stats and articles from out the ass and out of context

  18. katsikisj94

    UNC as a school has always had their heads up their ass. All they care about is the number of rich out-of-state students they can admit each year to refill their coffers. It was no surprise they were committing academic fraud, I’m just surprised there wasn’t a heavier punishment

  19. socialistbcrumb

    Did not know Vince Carter had this many haters lol I have never heard more about his life than the last couple days

  20. UnflushableStinky2

    The fact it was a generic grad ceremony (ie not his class or cohort) made the whole thing fraudulent in the first place. He coulda just put it off or skipped it altogether.

  21. Wide_Explanation_661

    So are the instructors fraudulent too, what about the other students, and the department writ large?

  22. DtotheOUG

    Reddit and entire days being proxy wars for your favorite/most hated player.

    Name a more iconic duo,.

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