@Boston Celtics

JB Turned Down $50 Million to Start His Sneaker Brand

JB Turned Down $50 Million to Start His Sneaker Brand

by Patb1489


  1. danorcs

    I love JB, and with how badly he was meme’d as the “can’t go left” guy and how hard he shoved it down everyone’s throats the next season he should really create a bunch of straps and underarmor like sleeves that people can use to train their off hand

  2. nedlifecrisis

    Good for him. I hope he gets a good creative and marketing team to really boost the brand.

  3. Oldfoldtickler

    He wasn’t afraid of their resources

  4. Ok_Target5058

    This headline sucks lol

    Was he offered $50 mil to start his own brand? Or did he turn down $50 mil and instead will start his brand? (It’s the second)

    Not a knock on OP, it’s the same headline from SI

  5. Senorspeed

    This is the most AI article I’ve ever read

  6. No_Dig_560

    gonna buy his and kyries shoes. i love how the shoe market is expanding

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