@Golden State Warriors

How Steph Curry, Draymond Green & Warriors WIN BIG in 2024 | Hoops Tonight

How Steph Curry, Draymond Green & Warriors WIN BIG in 2024 | Hoops Tonight

by dating_derp


  1. andrewthedude101

    I actually really liked this vid from Jason. A more optimistic but still realstiic outlook on this upcoming season. I believe in Podz and Kuminga

  2. sugarpieinthesky

    I unsubscribed from this channel over the summer, as there was one warriors video he did that was just such a blatant mis-statement of the team and where things are headed that I rage-quit.

    This video is a very good overall analysis of the team, and in particular, he comes to the same conclusion I came to last year: the warriors were a team that were under-talented and over-achieved. The classic tell of that is a team that stomps other bad teams and struggles against good ones; stomping bad teams is a sign of coaching, leadership, accountability and situational execution. Losing to good teams is a lack of talent.

    That’s why I’ve always thought the “do whatever it takes to win one more with Steph” was such a flawed premise: making trades, as the team was last season, won’t magically make them a significantly more talented team. I agree with Timpf’s appraisal that this was a mid 30 win team that won 11 more games than it should have. Given that, some of the things he said about the team in the offseason just made no sense. If the problem is an overall lack of talent, an all-in trade is not going to solve that.

    The moves they made in the offseason were good ones. Letting Klay leave for Dallas and not paying him whatever it took to keep him was a ballsy move that I don’t think most other franchises make. It was the right basketball move. This team is, right now, far better positioned to land that second star in the trade market than they were a year ago, which I think should still be the priority of the team.

    I think the biggest flaw in the “win one more with Steph” line of thinking (which Timpf was clearly parroting in the offseason) is that making trades for top-end players (like a Giannis) is a matter of preparation, having the right asset mix on hand to make the trade, and of getting lucky to boot. The team can only control the preparation aspect of the equation. It’s going to take patience and the deal might never materialize, but if it does, the warriors have the assets to make the deal, the Suns and the Lakers, to name two other teams, don’t. The flaw of the “win one more with Steph” thinking is that is hobbles your ability to make those preparations in favor of the now.

    That’s not to say that the organizational priority shouldn’t be to win one more with Steph, it absolutely should be. All that is to say is that emphasizing it to the point of myopia (like most fans on this site do) is absolutely counter-productive to the stated goal.

    The only way the team is going to win one more with Steph is with patience.

  3. dating_derp

    From the vid: Podz in points per pull up jump shots, out of the 135 players to attempt at least 100 pull up jump shots, Podz ranked 8th in efficiency, shooting over 40%.

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