@Boston Celtics

[Washburn] Looks like Jayson Tatum has quickened the release on his three. Said he’s worked this offseason on some mechanical issues.

[Washburn] Looks like Jayson Tatum has quickened the release on his three. Said he’s worked this offseason on some mechanical issues.

by 3250Knight


  1. gagakaba

    Kinda still looks the same but hopefully I’m wrong

  2. burner_for_celtics

    I’m not trying to hate, but the clutch and the hitch he’s been doing more and more over the last few years look the same as always in this video.

  3. oyvayzmir

    Can’t put into words how deeply jealous I am of Ella Mai

  4. jayman820

    I genuinely can’t tell a difference lol

  5. PatriotMissiles

    Hopefully he works more on accuracy than quickness of release.

  6. GooseMay0

    He doesn’t hump the ball as much, which I suppose makes it a bit quicker. Congrats Hanlen, you got paid six figures for something any one of us could have pointed out.

  7. LarBrd33

    Forget who made this comment but I totally buy the theory his shooting struggles have to do with adjusting to his new build.  Dude is strong as fuck now.  He will adjust and the league will be in trouble.  

  8. aviatorbassist

    You can def tell a difference the hitch is gone and he’s not humping it as much. The quicker release is also good for being a more fluid motion.

  9. riptiders456

    I’m not going to lie to my untrained eye I feel like it doesn’t look all that different but I will say I honestly didn’t expect much different nor do I particularly care how it looks. 

    Like yeah there’s a big difference from how he shot it early in his career but going back to look at the 2022 playoff run his form also didn’t look that  different from now, and he shot 39% from 3 on 8 attempts. 

    All that really matters is if it goes in or not, I’m not going to act like a shot doctor.

  10. Android2715

    Feel like they looked smoother and a but quicker except that on he missed.

  11. 25DegreeD

    Practicing closeout 3s. Hopefully he’s practicing contested 3s too.

  12. Jegagne88

    Definitely faster, doesn’t bring it up over his head as much. JUST GO IN

  13. moistreese

    less of shoulder dip, not bringing the ball down as far, less humping. just less unnecessary motion looks clean

  14. BigAustralianBoat2

    Would be surprised if he struggles to start the season. You can change stuff all you want but until you get in-game reps you’ll be in this weird in-between place.

  15. clobberwaffle

    There is less mid body movement for sure

  16. NotDukeOfDorchester

    Thank fuckin god. He drives me nuts with how many catch and shoot opportunities he passes up. He was better last year, hope this is the year he fixes it completely.

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