@National Basketball Association

After Michael Jordan dunked over 6’1” point guard in a 1987 Chicago-Utah game, a Jazz fan angrily got up and yelled: “Hey Jordan, pick on someone your own size”. Very next Bulls possession, MJ dunks over 6’11” Mel Turpin, immediately looked at the fan and questioned him: “Was he big enough?

After Michael Jordan dunked over 6’1” point guard in a 1987 Chicago-Utah game, a Jazz fan angrily got up and yelled: “Hey Jordan, pick on someone your own size”. Very next Bulls possession, MJ dunks over 6’11” Mel Turpin, immediately looked at the fan and questioned him: “Was he big enough?

by Currymvp2


  1. globetheater

    6’1” point guard? You mean John fucking Stockton?

  2. Reasonable_Fail4123

    Mel Turpin gets included in the title but not John Stockton wtf

  3. Iangelit

    That’s an amazing story! Michael Jordan always knew how to rise to the occasion.

  4. nexclusivil

    Listen well kids, goat stories. 🐐

  5. Dull_Counter7624

    Luka’s the closest MJ demeanor in the league right now, talking shit to everyone in the building and does whatever he wants during the game to prove a point.

  6. theinternetisnice

    Fuckin Mel Turpin. Dude would get rolling and we’d all be like IT’S TURPINTIME

    I actually don’t remember Mel Turpin at all.

  7. ColdPressedSteak

    The ball on the 2nd dunk is a pretty ridiculous height above the rim at the top of his jump

  8. _Tar_Ar_Ais_

    Stockton was 6’1 and would set screens on bigs, too funny. Legendary player

  9. Typical GOAT stuff. Wish I was alive during his prime.

  10. johnny_mcd

    Someone should have told Malone to pick on someone his own size

  11. Whaleclap_

    Mel Turpin just stood there with his cinder block feet. After the game he went to his part time job where he made more than he made playing in the nba. Jordan played against bums

  12. Medium_Active1729

    lebron would have asked ref to eject that person from the arena

  13. SixerForLife

    Never imagined Karl Malone has such a soft voice lmao

  14. Most-Artichoke6184

    Michael took that personally.

  15. pgtvgaming

    Jordan still holding a grudge on the fan … followed him to Costco and dunked on him in the parking lot

  16. sorry_canadian_sorry

    Ah, Super Slams of the NBA. I watched that VHS tape so much as a kid .. I have the whole thing memorized to this day.

    Little known clip that I can never get enough of… spud Webb throwing down a 1 handed oop at a charity event for Magic Johnson… I cannot tell you how hype it makes me. (It’s this dunk,not from the VHS tho!

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