@Atlanta Hawks

The 2024-25 Atlanta Hawks are a better team than you think

The 2024-25 Atlanta Hawks are a better team than you think

by GueyeAgenda


  1. MiserableSoft2344

    >*But those individuals are making a grave mistake: prioritizing star counting over proper roster building. In reality, what looks like a less talented team is actually a more balanced and versatile unit.*


  2. ToyStoryRex97

    Yeah i’ll believe it when I see it. Still love my Hawks tho.

  3. TraeisBaeintheA

    I think they are gonna go 82-0, so I guess this means….??

  4. JoopJhoxie

    The lobs are making the Mouhamed’s Gueye!!

  5. PeasePorridge9dOld

    Article is basically what ATL fans have been saying. DeJounte / Trae combo just didn’t work together and we needed to try something new.

    Our problem is just that Trae and DeJounte did work individually – which the article does state. But we’re back to where we were 3 years ago before we acquired DeJounte. When Trae is out, then who is going to create some offense? I’m hoping for some combination of Bogi, Kobe, Jalen, and even Okongwu group can get enough where we’re just not in the league worst area.

  6. Wildvalor

    I have not seen a good article about the Hawks in a while

    This is beautiful

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