@Brooklyn Nets

Jordi Fernández on Cam Thomas and his coaching philosophy

"Can I help [him] be more efficient of a scorer? If you look at the numbers, the less he dribbles, the more efficient of a scorer he is … his superpower is to score the ball, and what we need to do is help him do that in an efficient way."

"Definitely the defensive end, I want a team that pressures the ball, and we're extremely physical, we're connected. So we can prove that we're communicating and talking, everybody knows what they're doing.

"But also, you see that flying-around mentality, and with all that, those multiple efforts, you can put stats to all that, right? You know, your ball-pressure percentage, how you defend without fouling, how many verticalities you have, charges, so on and so forth.

"Same as offensively, everybody in the NBA wants to play fast, right? But how are you going to do it? We want to play fast in the full-court and the half-court, I've been a part of teams from Canada to Sacramento to Denver that have played very fast, Denver in the half-court more than the full-court. How can we develop that here?

"Same as body movement and ball movement. Teams that that move the ball are more unpredictable, harder to guard, you can take better shots. How, again, can we develop this here with a younger group of guys? A lot of times you cannot control if the shot is going to go in, but what you can control is to teach what's the right shot and what do we want.

"And I know that having a great coaching staff, we can teach that. That's what I expect in the first 10, 20 games. It's, look at all those numbers and be satisfied with that and knowing that we are on the right path."

by New_Weather_7611


  1. Batman_in_hiding

    I really hope the Nets are committed to Jordy for at least 3 or 4 years. We need some freaking coaching consistency and I can’t think of a better position for a first time well respected head coach to step in to.

  2. Man hope we finally found a freaking coach. We’ve had a bad run since Kenny. Excited to c a non vanilla offense with a defense that actually pressures the ball. Also excited to see the kinds of adjustments in game.

  3. NandoDeColonoscopy

    It’s heartening to hear a coach talk this way. Now we just have to see if Cam is open to coaching. He hasn’t been so far, but in fairness, all of his coaches up this point have been pretty terrible.

    Like, having Will Wade as your college coach and then having a *worse* coach when you get to the NBA is truly something.

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