@Miami Heat

Caleb Daniels back to the 305

Caleb Daniels back to the 305

by TravisWear


  1. TravisWear

    Caleb Daniels played 31 regular season games for the Sioux Falls Skyforce last season and averaged 12.9 PTS 5.3 REBS 2.1 ASTS 0.8 STLS 0.8 BLKS 1.7 TOS on 43/34/85 shooting

    He recently played 7 games for our summer league team and averaged 6 PTS 3.4 REBS 1.7 ASTS 1.2 STLS 0.2 BLK 0.4 TOS on 40/25/85 shooting

    Hopefully, the next Caleb in the making

  2. 039jmunna

    He gon be the starting 2 guard so the defense isn’t gonna that horrendous πŸ™ on the real note dude is strong af they had him playing PF for whatever reason lmao

  3. Candid_Sand_398

    How are all these guys gonna compete for roster spots? Are we now at 16?

  4. MrRobotTheorist

    The roster will stay at 14 with KJ, Christopher and Dru on 2 ways.

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