@Golden State Warriors

[KNBR] Kerr on Wiggins: “He looks physically really fit, speaking w/him he sounds really motivated. He sounds very much at peace. He’s in a place where he knows the last couple yrs have been tough for a lot of reason. I think he’s primed to get back to where he was a couple years ago.” (1:14)

[KNBR] Kerr on Wiggins: “He looks physically really fit, speaking w/him he sounds really motivated. He sounds very much at peace. He’s in a place where he knows the last couple yrs have been tough for a lot of reason. I think he’s primed to get back to where he was a couple years ago.” (1:14)

by NokCha_


  1. purple_cupcake_52

    Regardless of how he was last season, I’m so excited to see how Wiggins performs this season

  2. story-of-your-life

    Wiggins can be a superstar.

  3. Jack-is-ugly

    For me the most important point in there was that he’s at peace. Losing your dad is no joke. I’m glad he seems to be doing well.

  4. richstyle

    i need all the hopium on wigs. I really do hope hes at peace and motivated this time.

  5. John_Houbolt

    Will believe it when I see it. What he was a couple of years ago, was just a 5 month moment on the 12 or 13 year timeline of his career. it is definitely the exception not the rule. So getting there ever again IMO would be a surprise.

    But if he is right, if we get 2022 Wiggins, and we get progress from Podz and JK, this is a title contending team. The bench is super deep with players that are good fits and if Wiggs is all star level like in 2022, the top level talent is there.

  6. Nessmuk58

    Getting ’22 Wiggs vs. ’24 Wiggs is one of the biggest positive things that could happen to us short of a major trade.

  7. Kdog122025

    Feels like Wiggs will keep it simple this year. Focus on basketball and love his family.

  8. optionswire


  9. Moist_Caregiver

    If we get Wiggins back we will be scary.

  10. BaldLucPicard

    We need him to get close as he was in our championship run, no idea if he can or not but let’s hope.

  11. mamimikon24

    This year could be a disaster for Kuminga.

    First, Kerr says Kuminga is 3 and and hard to give him more minutes.
    Then, you hear him praising Wiggs who is his starting 3.

    Goodluck JK.

  12. It’s wild that so many people believe that wiggins dealing with his father’s illness and death had ZERO impact on his play the past 2 years.

  13. carthaginian84

    Good. Necessary with no Plowden 😡😡😡

  14. Floppy_Jet1123

    Nah people.

    You’re falling for it again.

  15. doedoughs

    I genuinely don’t know how he even played or gave a single fuck about basketball as his father was slowly passing away over the course of multiple years. Even this season, the actual grief will be still so heavy on Wiggins’ mind. I truly hope he can find some solace from this meaningless game to help deal with this tremendous loss in his life. Prayers and thoughts to the Wiggins family.

  16. KingInTheNorth1201

    I know he has been through some tough times the past seasons but this is the time to shine! We really need the best version of Wiggins.

  17. bluewire516

    First back to back 20+ point game, trade his ass. Don’t believe his hype. Move him

  18. I think we all do hope Wiggins can get back to his previous best self, but obviously no one knows, including Kerr. He’s just saying what a good coach should, that he believes in him and that he will of course have to contribute in order to fill in for Klay. But like he said, the situation is now set up to allow Wiggins (and/or others) to step up and fill that void. It has happened in similar situations many times before in the nba, so let’s hope it happens again.

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