@National Basketball Association

[Krawczynski] One thing to be clear on tonight: KAT did not request this trade. He never has requested a move in nine years here.

[Krawczynski] One thing to be clear on tonight: KAT did not request this trade. He never has requested a move in nine years here.

by WeathrNinja


  1. GOAT_Redditor

    Why would they wait so long to do this? This is going to be a major shock to the Wolves locker room so close to the season

  2. Shingorillaz

    I’m going to miss Ant Kat post game pressers

  3. atltimefirst

    I mean lets be honest, the New York media will eat him alive if he underperforms

  4. MisterGir

    Man i feel for the guy. But he has a good home in NY

  5. SwishBender

    All I got to say is this better work out.

  6. Harman3112

    Would be genuinely the most insane thing if he did

  7. kirbaeus

    KAT always wanted to be in Minnesota and that’s why we loved him.

  8. SuperVaderMinion

    There goes my favorite Wolves player 😢 Knicks better take care of my guy.

  9. RansomGoddard

    I don’t think KAT’s loyalty has ever been in question especially after one of the best seasons in the franchise’s history.

  10. Drain_Surgeon69

    I’m confused why you do this if you’re Minnesota. You finally have a team that looks like they can be contenders in the West, KAT and Ant like playing together and play well together. So you dump KAT for… salary? Now? With zero warning to him after 9 years?

    I also don’t get this for the Knicks. You got eliminated from the playoffs because half your roster was hurt and the other half was run ragged by Thibs, so you trade your depth and key pieces away to get a guy that hated Thibs 6 years ago and who Thibs hates??? Is KAT that much better than Donte and Randle combined?

  11. ClassicDiscount319

    I’m not even a big towns guy but I don’t get why people are hating on this for the Knicks 

  12. sully9614

    I wonder how he feels about being coached by Thibs again. I honestly forget how things were left when Thibs was gone

  13. zincinzincout

    Rumor has it that Paul Pierce’s wife just bought a great spousal life insurance policy

  14. SevenHunnet3Hi5s

    can you imagine that. spending your entire adulthood with one team up to now. finally getting a **huge** beacon of hope after all these years. you’re all pumped up for the next season a month away and what do you know you get traded. that’s gotta be the biggest heart stabber i’ve seen in recent offseason history

  15. Chessh2036

    His tweet as this was announced was “…..” 😔

  16. Random0cassions

    Kat can be called many things but he did not quit on a team where he spent 5-6 years in the fucking trash cans of the west . Respect to this man’s commitment

  17. alexsolren

    Between this, recent Wild rumors and the Twins collapse, it hasn’t been a great time in Minnesota.

    At least there’s the Vikings?

  18. ryantaylor8147

    What is Minnesota FO thinking?? You had a chance to almost win the championship this year and then you trade off one of your key pieces?

  19. I_Hate_My_Cat_

    This just feels like a backstabbing. All the years, all the grind, everything he lost, it felt like he was wasting his career there and then he finally got the right pieces around him and was one series away from the NBA Finals…just to get traded like that? And by early reports, didn’t even get a heads up from them? I mean…it just feels a new fucking low from the Timberwolves to do that. Now’s the time to add a piece or two to become a complete championship roster, *not* send away one of your centerpieces.

  20. Wetpapernapkins

    I’m not a fan of either team, but I’m devastated for the Wolves fans out there.

  21. OThePlacesYouWillGo

    Man, if Robinson is that hurt that the Knicks felt compelled to make this move it’s going to be a rough year for Knicks fans…Embiid is going to eat KAT alive in the Knicks 76ers games.

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