@Minnesota Timberwolves

From Krawczynski’s article:

by Knightbear49


  1. VikingsandWolves

    I would of liked to see us run it back one more year with the same core but to put it frankly Connelly with this move basically said I don’t see KAT as the #2 on a championship winning team. Whether you agree or not, KAT is going to a great situation in NY(where he’s from Jersey area) where he will be allowed to play his natural position at center and where he will be able to contend for a championship. I don’t see it as Connelly did him wrong here.

  2. Epicapabilities

    > “I don’t know. I’m confident I’ll be able to be here with my brothers and continue what I love to do here at home,” he said then. “So that’s the plan, nothing’s changed on my side. I love this city. I love this organization. I love this city. It’s given me my life, me and my family.”

    KAT has his ups and downs with the Wolves but this is always how I’ll remember him. In an age where I’ve seen countless players bitch and moan about having to play in Minnesota, he never once displayed anything but gratitude for his role in this organization.

    KAT’s rookie year was the first year I really watched the Wolves. Those 29 wins were not a lot but compared to the year before it was a big improvement. I haven’t been able to find the video (I think it was after he won ROTY), but I’ll never forget watching him say that he wanted to bring a championship to Minnesota and I genuinely bought in 100%.

    However naive it was to think that core of guys (Rubio, LaVine, Wiggins, Dieng, Towns) was going to win a championship, that was the first time in my young life I felt that optimism about a Minnesota sports team. I’ll always respect KAT for that.

  3. rugonnabelievemenow

    Respect for showing up the man’s house and telling him face to face

  4. Frontier21

    Good on TC for doing this the right way. I’ve ragged on KAT as loudly as anyone on this sub over the years, but my frustrations with his game are akin to an owner of a vintage lamborghini ragging on his car. You know its potential, you’re just frustrated with its quirks. KAT was an A+ member of this team and I’m sad to see him go. He can walk away with his head high knowing he oversaw the team’s rise from a perennial joke to a contender while being its best offensive player and turning himself into a respectable defender.

  5. At least he did it before Shams could tweet it. Tim moves in silence 

  6. betasheets2

    And no player will ever show loyalty to a team again

  7. youvebeengreggd

    “Whopper” is doing some unbelievably heavy lifting for this giveaway sweepstakes.

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