@Atlanta Hawks

AJ Griffin Talks About Retirement

AJ Griffin Talks About Retirement

by DeAndreHunterMIP


  1. red2play

    FYI, he’s not a Jehovah’s Witness as some has speculated. Jehovah Witnesses use Jehovah not Lord and he has had a hat with a cross on it but again, that’s not something a Jehovah Witness would do.

    That being said, I wish him nothing but happiness. Knowing your Spiritual self is important and I’m happy that he didn’t wait til his “Jesus” moment to realize it. Will Smith, regardless of how you think of him, had a good point. “Money won’t make you happy” but it will give you options.

    So a person who chooses happiness over options shouldn’t be looked down upon IMHO.

  2. Gonza6EUW

    Man. This is bonkers. Wake up, lmao. Jesus christ and all religions are a fucking fairy tale. There are no GODS! That shit was made up.. Lie after lie, to control the empty minds of the people. We as humanity should know better than this.

  3. send-inspiration

    To put my comment into perspective, my husband and I make a great deal of money. Enough to retire right now if we want. We still work because we like a certain lifestyle, and we’re trying to build enough wealth for our kids and hopefully their kids.

    It is only a few circumstances where I can truly say I’ll give up all my money for something. It would have to be life or death for my family or something equally as serious.

    For him to be 20 and doing this is insane. With that being said, I truly wish him the best. I’m not religious, so i can’t understand what he’s feeling, but if he feels this strong about it, I wish him nothing but the best. Hope he doesn’t regret it later on in life, and he’s really thought about the gravity of what he’s doing. Good luck to him

  4. No_Internal404

    After the whole Beyoncé thing I felt like most of thought this could be a possibility but nobody truly thought he’d walk away from millions like this … tough to see but if that’s his calling I’m happy for him

  5. sportsssssssssss

    Bruh you’re 21 with (maybe not anymore after all this shit) teams lining up to pay you millions of dollars. If your calling is to spread your religion or help the needy or whatever, then having millions of dollars at your disposal will certainly help that. Very short sighted to give up a limited time, once in a million career opportunity to do something you could easily dedicate the decades of life after hoops to. But that’s just my opinion, I hope he doesn’t come to regret listening to whoever he’s got yappin in his ear.

  6. MiserableSoft2344

    > *”I feel like letting go of basketball is something I need to do to go into full time ministry.”*

    He found his purpose and there’s no shame in that. There are plenty of great opportunities in ministry if that’s what he wants to pursue.

    Also, it’s not our place to criticize here. You’re not an NBA player and you’re not AJ Griffin. Get over it.

  7. WheneverYh

    Hope this brings peace and happiness in his life. What his family went trough is awful & he’s lucky that he has an opportunity to take a step back and do whatever makes him happy. That’s a privilege not many ppl in his position have but it’s still not gonna undo what happened.

    Selfishly I’m glad Hawks traded him cause this would probably happen even if he stayed so at least he did them a solid.

  8. Tomahawkin

    He’s free to make his own decisions and I’ll leave it at that.

  9. technicolorsound

    Sometimes people quit their jobs because they don’t like them ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  10. beefboithethird

    Good for him, I used to be religious so I seriously don’t understand believing in that kind of thing, but I understand the mortal comfort it brings. I just hope he’s happy and does things the right way and that’s it.

  11. mantistobogganmMD

    Good for him, he can do whatever he wants to do.

    I would also bet a lot of money he’ll be trying to get back into the league at some point in the future.

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