@Toronto Raptors

Raptors mailbag: Vince Carter haters, ESPN’s Zach Lowe blunder and who lost the Towns trade

Raptors mailbag: Vince Carter haters, ESPN’s Zach Lowe blunder and who lost the Towns trade

by EarthWarping


  1. EarthWarping


    On the Vince sentiment from the fanbase:

    >Nothing I am going to say or type for the ten-kazillionth time is going to change your mind so I’m not going to try.

    >And I am confident in saying that part of the animosity toward Carter came because of the pennies on the dollar Babcock got for him.

    >That’s on the front office, especially knowing that Carter went to the coaching staff THE DAY BEFORE THE TRADE and said he’d like to stay and work it out.

    >But, again, you won’t likely change, others won’t and that’s fine.
    Giving what I know and the principles I know and the mood around the franchise, I know I’m right.

    >And I’ll add this one last point: If people want to fixate on three months at the end rather than five years before it, they’re missing the entire point of what Vince did for the team, the city and a generation of basketball fans

    On Zach Lowe:

    >My opinion is that ESPN showed absolutely no respect for its viewers, listeners and readers by kicking to the curb the best in the business solely for financial reasons.

    >The screamers have won, “hot takes” are apparently valued more than insight, context and reasoned discussions, and that’s a shame. I have many friends who still work at ESPN and I respect the way they go about their business. But ownership there has shown where its allegiances lie and that’s too bad.

    On Larry Tannenbaum’s future:

    >Let’s be clear: Anything that diminishes Larry Tanenbaum’s contribution and wisdom is bad. Very bad.

    >And, yes, Rogers has not turned the Blue Jays into a model of success and maybe that’s an ownership issue solely because ownership decides who runs the team.

    >Does it really matter who owns the team? I guess we’ll find out.

  2. heat_fan_

    I think Knicks will be worse off without Donte esp effecting the team chemistry 

    The Nova team didn’t even get to play one game together which is kinda sad 

  3. People forget…without the stardom that came with Vince Carters time in Toronto, the Raptors would have very much followed in the same trajectory as the Vancouver Grizzlies. Toronto Raptors Extinct would have been the headline and the Canadian NBA expansion would have been a failed experiment. It would have been possible that we don’t get that nba championship or even an opportunity to retire Lowry’s or Demar’s jersey. Not saying Vince is directly responsible for it at all but he’s deeply embedded in the roots for sure. The Grizzlies organization directly said when asked why their team failed to stay in Vancouver in comparison to Toronto …Vince Carter was their answer. If you can’t forget about the way he left…you definitely shouldn’t forget about what he left behind.

  4. klobucharzard

    thx again for the daily doug smith update earthwarping

    i enjoy sentences like this:

    “My opinion is that ESPN showed absolutely no respect for its viewers, listeners and readers by kicking to the curb the best in the business solely for financial reasons.”

    not only does he switch from present tense to past tense, and active voice to passive voice mid-sentence, but he also switches up the subject AND the predicate. 1 of 1

  5. pakattack91

    Vince asking to stay at the end is actually a crucial piece of info.

    Even if the FO decided it was too late, they should have let him get back go Vincanity and then flipped a superstar in his prime, under contract.

    Franchise no longer set back a 10+ years.

  6. BigMost8851

    The fact now is he’s getting his jersey retired, like it or not. People gotta get over it cause it’s a matter of fact. Lowry and DeRozan will get their flowers but they’re still active players. I’ll always be indifferent to Carter but there is a good point brought up in the article that people are forgetting the first 5 years and fixating on the last 3 months of his entire tenure here.

  7. Automatic_Tension702

    Another person close to the situation who is putting the onus on the FO when it came to vc

  8. Raptors887

    Doug Smith was one of those “Vince haters” back in the day. He wrote some nasty articles about him.

  9. SixtySix_VI

    I wonder if the fact that it’s simply so contentious on its own shows his jersey shouldn’t be retired. Something like this should be unanimous and celebrated. If there are this many people against it, you should kind of factor that in. Just my opinion. I think a lot of people are writing off naysayers for “not getting over it” when they have some fairly solid points…

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