@National Basketball Association

Russ takes time to talk to a fan and even pose for a photo even though he’s in a rush to pick up his kids from school

Russ takes time to talk to a fan and even pose for a photo even though he’s in a rush to pick up his kids from school

by babbagack


  1. EntireAd215

    As an African myself those are some corny questions loool

  2. A_Omega_73

    i opened this post, think some wholesome first comments…

    what the fuck???

  3. ant-farm-keyboard

    Man, Westbrook seems like a cool dude

  4. spotty15

    Russ genuinely does seem like a good dude overall. He cares and acts authentically.

    He’s still a brick and a competitive asshole, but a good hearted dude.

  5. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Russ parked in the red

  6. DollarLate_DayShort

    Walking up to someone while recording them without their consent initially, has to be one of my biggest pet peeves. I wouldā€™ve been in a bad mood off of rip.

  7. Sortbycontisright

    New headline:

    Russ doesn’t prioritize his children

  8. seedeegeecdg

    Westbrook is human lol. Hate him for never taking accountability and blaming people like Vogel and everyone else but himself.

    But heā€™s also a real good dude in moments like these.

    Safe to say- heā€™s human lol

  9. socialistbcrumb

    I know Westbrookā€™s post-prime career has kind of been a mess and heā€™s been pretty thin-skinned about it but I still donā€™t really get being more mad at a guy who seems pretty nice and friendly over some of the assholes who get a pass because theyā€™re still good. Unless your team has actual stakes on the player, in which case I get it better, such as when he was still a big money player for the Lakers but not a star.

  10. Sir_Boldrat

    Lmao the comments. Get the fuck over yourselves.

  11. RallySausage

    Hard for me to not to like this dude off the court

  12. WasDavid

    If you donā€™t want worstbrook, then you donā€™t deserve bestbrook.

  13. MarkMoneyj27

    Walking around with a camera in someone’s face is annoying.

  14. geezeeduzit

    Idk, call me crazy, if I see a famous person I think to myself, ā€œoh coolā€ and keep walking.

  15. BigMik_PL

    Honestly I think Westbrook might be GOAT off the court player.

    He seems to truly care about his community and always takes time out of his day for it. He is also extremely low key about it not seeking the publicity or news.

    I remember back in OKC he would come to the children’s hospital unannounced and hang out with the kids and pay for their surgeries and stuff.

    The only reason we even knew about it is because of posts [this](

    You can hate his on court performance all you want but by all accounts off the court Westbrook is GOAT level material.

  16. EifertGreenLazor

    MITWestbrook keeps stalking their favorite player.

  17. sirslouch

    Lol at the sappy inspirational music in the background.

  18. fullmetalutes

    Yeah just leave him alone, if I see a celeb at an event where it’s accepted I’ll maybe ask for a quick Pic and that’s still a maybe, buy out in public? No. I saw Tim Robinson at whole foods and said hi and said I was a big fan and he seemed very friendly but just kept walking. We were in the parking lot but I still felt like I bugged him lol. I had hilary duff eating breakfast next to me a few weeks ago and everyone left her alone thankfully, she had her little ones so I think everyone understood to back off. Also, don’t bother when they’re just doing day to day stuff

  19. VariableBooleans

    Russ has calmed down a lot in recent years, especially given this video where the fan is mad weird lol.

    But he’s always been a nice guy to anybody that was respectful. He just has no tolerance for bullshit, which I respect 100%. Super good with kids, always has time for fans that aren’t shitheads. His whole career really. Just doesn’t have time for nonsense.

  20. Nomore_mrgoodguy

    Very cool of Westbrook but not cool from the poster. So cringe

  21. grapefruitposer

    I cannot stand that i have become a westbrook fan so annoying.

  22. BrokenManOfSamarkand

    Turns out it’s Embiid on the other side of the camera. That’s very close to his accent, especially at the end.

  23. freepiggybackrides

    Bro parked on the red. Fines are nothing to the rich.

  24. oskar_grouch

    The closest I ever came to this was walking around Sacramento in 2012 and I saw Kevin Johnson and a few staffers walking from the Capital to city hall and I said “sup KJ”. He said “sup”

  25. Taraimelo

    That’s awesome! It’s great to see Russ taking the time to connect with his fans.

  26. TheSlimShadyReaper

    Paparazzi was taking advantage of Russ being polite..

  27. BoxOffice247

    Good for Russā€¦taking the time and all.

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