Why don’t we just do a rebrand? I can’t stand our current awful jerseys ..
Don’t know why the team got rid of purple in the first place
Uhh no. I want the mascot back on the front of the jersey
So it’s just the same jersey that was worn over 20 years ago, lol. It’s really not that big of a deal and we’ve known this for like two weeks anyway.
I like that they’re embracing our team name for once. For years they’ve been trying to ignore the fact that we’re named after a dinosaur.
Respectfully, who the fuck are the 2 players in the first photo
Who the fuck are those guys
Brandon Carlson is fucking JACKED holy F
Jerseys look great
When we sign Jamie Lannister??
Can we talk about removing the god damned sunlife advertising 😭
Why are they shooting it like an American Apparel catalogue
Do these look slightly the wrong shade, or is it just me?
Waiting for authentic SB4. People sleep on these jerseys and think the Dino ones are the only ones that exist. 2007 onwards have had some really bad and boring designs where city editions made up for the misses (mostly). I think these ones will look good when wearing them.
I was hoping for the pinstripes with the old raptor logo, but this is fine too.
These look fantastic. So good.
I wish we’d go back to purple like many others have said. I HATE the Chevron jerseys. The candy canes looked good but everything since is so boring.
Why don’t we just do a rebrand? I can’t stand our current awful jerseys ..
Don’t know why the team got rid of purple in the first place
Uhh no. I want the mascot back on the front of the jersey
So it’s just the same jersey that was worn over 20 years ago, lol. It’s really not that big of a deal and we’ve known this for like two weeks anyway.
I like that they’re embracing our team name for once. For years they’ve been trying to ignore the fact that we’re named after a dinosaur.
Respectfully, who the fuck are the 2 players in the first photo
Who the fuck are those guys
Brandon Carlson is fucking JACKED holy F
Jerseys look great
When we sign Jamie Lannister??
Can we talk about removing the god damned sunlife advertising 😭
Why are they shooting it like an American Apparel catalogue
Do these look slightly the wrong shade, or is it just me?
Waiting for authentic SB4. People sleep on these jerseys and think the Dino ones are the only ones that exist. 2007 onwards have had some really bad and boring designs where city editions made up for the misses (mostly). I think these ones will look good when wearing them.
I was hoping for the pinstripes with the old raptor logo, but this is fine too.
These look fantastic. So good.
I wish we’d go back to purple like many others have said. I HATE the Chevron jerseys. The candy canes looked good but everything since is so boring.