@Los Angeles Lakers

Anthony Davis is not interested in JJ Redick’s analytics

Anthony Davis is not interested in JJ Redick’s analytics

by off_white_bkgd


  1. Klaxosaur

    Good news. Most players don’t give a shit. It’s the people behind the scenes who need to worry about analytics.

  2. Far_Preparation_1948

    I mean, this can be viewed as a good and a bad thing as well.

  3. WrexyBalls

    I think he’s misunderstanding the question. I think he is saying he doesn’t care about his stats but they are trying to ask if he cares about JJ being analytical. JJ uses analytics to coach the team, what is AD going to do with analytics? He’s going to listen to whatever the coach comes up with.

  4. Miserable-Lawyer-233

    >**Q:** *Do you want numbers given to you?*

    >***AD:*** *I don’t even know what some of that stuff means, man. I don’t know. It doesn’t matter to me. What matters is we have more points than the other team.*

    This is shockingly naive and, frankly, low IQ nonsense. AD is completely missing the mark by not even attempting to understand how leveraging data could give him a competitive edge. If he cares so much about the score, how does he think teams get there? Every stat plays a role in achieving that final number. Ignoring everything but the score is like caring about the destination while refusing to look at the map. Imagine if AD didn’t have LeBron, Redick, Vogel, or anyone guiding him, and his goal was still a championship—how does he expect to reach it without looking at the map? He’s trying to bake a cake without even looking at the recipe! Dismissing analytics in today’s game shows a lack of intellectual curiosity and an unwillingness to evolve.

  5. NoKnowsPose

    This is normal. The analytics guys give info to the coaching staff and it is the coaching staffs job to translate that data and work it into their gameplans. The players don’t actually always need to know the raw numbers. All they need to know is that “this player likes to do this so we are going to guard him this way” defensively and “here are some new plays to get you this (high percentage) shot”.

  6. drk_snydr78

    If AD ain’t fully invested in Reddicks coaching scheme it might be a long year door the lakers

  7. randomhero_92

    Sounds to be like JJ wants to use an analytics focused offense and AD (likely lebron, who has been an outspoken critic of analytics) wants to do his own thing.

    If that’s the case, then were gonna witness, on several occasions next year, JJ Reddick drawing up a play and Lebron James huddling with the team 10 seconds later to run a different play.

    Sound familiar?

  8. blacPanther55

    analytics nerds on the internet are mad that AD shitted on them

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