@Minnesota Timberwolves

[Windhorst] “I was kind of surprised over the last week at how many executives I talked to who felt like the Timberwolves won this trade.”

[Windhorst] “I was kind of surprised over the last week at how many executives I talked to who felt like the Timberwolves won this trade.”

by comp_a


  1. jkpetters

    Yep. Wolves taking the title easy this year.

  2. CashMoneyWinston

    It’s as if NBA GMs/execs are more adept at evaluating NBA roster construction than redditors are. How strange.

  3. Always interesting comparing how fans think vs. executives think. I think more of us Wolves fans have warmed up to it in the last week, but the sentiment over on r/nba seems to still be that the Knicks fleeced us.

    The Knicks might have won purely in terms of the talent in the trade, but I think it’s unsurprising that GMs feel we got the better end of the deal—just in light of what we know about how they view supermaxes (for players outside of the absolute top tier) under the new CBA. They don’t want to touch them if they can help it. The fact that the Knicks were so willing to take KAT’s contract on *and* give us somewhat comparable value in return may have seemed like a bit of a head-scratcher to them.

  4. HotStepper11

    The only thing I didn’t really like about this trade was the timing…after having a day to consider that, I’m fully on board.

  5. Majestic-Net-7799

    Was that in question? 

    Randle is an equal to Kat, + DDV and a pick is a great deal for a player with Kats contract, injury risk, and general tendency for lots of boneheaded plays on a nightly basis 

  6. cayuts21

    The trade was mutually beneficial, there doesn’t have to be a winner

  7. EsotericPotato

    It seems like a lot of fans are slowly coming around on it too. In the moment, it was a huge shock bordering on feeling like a betrayal to up and trade KAT after he just had such a pivotal part in taking this team to the WCF.

    But I think now that enough time has passed for that initial shock to wear off, and as more fans have really fully gotten their heads around what Randle and DDV bring to the team, there’s a combo of (rightfully) feeling super sad to lose Karl but also excitement at this new iteration of the roster.

  8. raki016

    Its because executives know you don’t want a supermax contract in your books if the player is not a top ten player.

    Same thing happened with Blake, Westbrook, Beal, Wall, Wiggins, etc

  9. PlayInChampions

    Who cares what they think. Half of them did not like Ant’s pick. Should have picked Wiseman because he is a guaranteed starter! Most of them did not like Rudy and Conley trades. Them liking or not liking the move does not affect Wolves’ performance on the court. I think that general opinion about KAT that he is an overpaid elite role player, similar to someone like MPJ, and trading him for 2 good to great role players is considered as a positive move.

  10. Ok_Excuse_3695

    Makes sense considering Jon K said the market for KAT was extremely weak

  11. Tommyatthedoor

    I think you can still be absolutely saddened that big KAT is gone and think we probably have a good enough front office now that they would have traded well. I would suck so badly at that job.

  12. FireFrogs48

    DiVincenzo is very underrated and definitely makes this trade better for us. Pretty happy he’s on our side now

  13. keanancarlson

    At first it didn’t seem like the trade I would expect for Towns. Not bad, but not great. That faded after a few hours. Randle isn’t a scrub. Donte is great too, he could positively impact every team in the league

  14. eman9416

    I mostly shocked how this sub lost their shit after spending the last 4 years complaining that KAT wasn’t good enough.

    Did everyone forget most people didn’t think he should have been an all star last year? I think KAT is underrated but this sentiment shouldn’t be surprising to people.

  15. Mirizzi

    This the same guy who didn’t think KAT was worth a single first?

  16. dotChrom

    Neither Julius Randle or Naz Reid is KAT but both are better value for what they’re paid. And I fucking love KAT. Honestly think the only reason it’s as shocking is because it was in October; this happens in July and the response is still a sad day for wolves fans but feels more rational.

  17. JaderMcDanersStan

    These players haven’t even gotten on the court yet lol

    We don’t even know how these players will fit. I don’t get why there has to be a winner or loser

  18. Redscareforcishetmen

    Getting Donte was a coup. Tim didn’t have a ton of leverage but getting him is so valuable. I love the trade. Think the team got a lot more physical going from KAT to Randle.

  19. ZaMaestroMan5

    I’d say they clearly won here. While I do think KAT is better than Randle I don’t think it’s by much. To get Divencenzio on top and a pick id say is a clear win to me.

    I almost like divencenzio in the deal more than Randle. He is exactly what the squad was missing. Fantastic rotational player who can handle the ball, shoot the 3, and defend. We will be able to slide him into the starting lineup when Conley needs rest. The threesome of him, Ant, and Conley is a pretty formidable one.

  20. HeadzTailz

    On paper it’s a good deal. More importantly one that wasn’t easy to do and had to be made. If the Wolves have shaved a shade off of their top end so be it, they’ve bolstered their middle and back end tremendously. You can judge this trade in a vacuum and come away with an opinion of who won, but when you look at the totality of the team structure top to bottom, one has to be impressed with what TC has done.

    Added Rob TSJ and Divo. Lost SloMo but he was so inept shooting the ball it was 4 v. 5 when he was on the court. The Shake/ Monte trick didn’t work. J Mac was limited. They absolutely improved their upside with those moves. Divo will step right in, the rookies may take time but you have to love what you saw this summer.

    How quickly can Randle blend with the team, and have a role that maximizes his output and takes away from what your’e losing with KAT remains to be seen. Like KAT, Randle is not a flawless player, and has warts. But he’s an accomplished player in his own right. Top to bottom, and for the next few years to come, this team is in a better place financially and talent wise than they were a year ago.

  21. ohiowolf

    The key to this deal for us was that KAT was playing out of position. Yes, he is a more skillful player than Randel but I think Randle will play the 4 better than KAT did and stay out of foul trouble. Add in the first round pick and an awesome role player and we are a better team short middle and long term. If someone says the Knick’s won the trade, well sure KAT’s clearly the best player and he fits the 5 better for NY than Randel did, so be it.

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