@New York Knicks

Knicks interested in Marcus Smart per Kris Pursiainen

Knicks interested in Marcus Smart per Kris Pursiainen

by LouisFuton


  1. damn-mooses

    If we can do it without giving up deuce then I’m game

  2. Joetheshow1

    This would be an incredible trade, don’t know how we’d swing it tho

  3. staymelooo

    Not happening unless they trade Josh Hart. So not happening

  4. gbnypat

    I don’t see how it’s possible without trading a core guy and they’re done doing that

  5. noodles408

    Pass. There’s a reason the Celtics moved him. Good player, just not as good as he thinks he is.

  6. KidSickarus

    Genuine question, has any move the Knicks made in the past two years been rumored in one of these tweets beforehand?

  7. slayerkj

    For who? Deuce and picks that don’t exist?

  8. dedbeats

    This is as much a depth move as it is a chance to give a former Celtic the opportunity to get revenge on the team that let him go before they won their chip

  9. severinks

    We have Marcus Smart already, his name is Deuce McBride. And Deuce can shoot.

  10. Odysseus_Lannister

    If we get rid of hart or deuce then the vibes are dead and gone.

  11. LamarMVPJackson

    They trading Mitch? That’s the only thing I can think of

  12. Ronnie2kDropCode

    This would be a great pickup. Mitch and Precious would work salary wise I think, tho idk how I feel about trading two of our bigs

  13. printerpaperwaste

    If you think the depth is thin now, imagine how thin it would be after this. The team can’t sustain that many high salaries and still be able to field a roster.

  14. teknomatic

    This one would be a head scratcher for me. They already have a defensive guard in Deuce, plus they already signed payne and drafted kolek. I don’t understand why they would need to get Smart.

    Then again the wording is merely “have had discussions” and that “no deal is imminent” so there’s a chance it could have been due diligence/brainstorming discussions.

    Also he does say that they are “willing to be active on the market” so that tells me that they’re probably exploring any number of potential avenues and not just focused on Smart.

    EDIT: I just looked up Smart’s contract and his salary is about 20 mil. That would mean that a trade would have to look something like Josh+Deuce (which i would be stunned if they did that) or Mitch+Deuce+one other player making a small amount. I don’t think that would be a good trade for us either

  15. Hot-Turnover4883

    We already have our own version of Marcus Smart in Deuce

  16. danomite555

    Doesn’t make sense salary wise and just seems like overkill if anything. We need bench scoring much more than another perimeter defender. He’s great but between OG/Bridges/Hart/Deuce and possibly even Dadiet they’re covered

  17. manfromfuture

    We need some more front court players.

  18. TheBensonz

    Smart + Thibs is a no brainer. Get it done.

  19. Stannis_Baratheon244

    I’d rather have deuce than give up a haul for smart which would prob include him.

  20. Little_Animal8807

    Leon needs to simmer down already. Too much

  21. i-piss-excellence32

    I hope not. We don’t need him shooting 20% all the time

  22. FlockingPigeons

    The math is really just not mathing here. Maybe at the mid season mark where they can send out Mitch and Precious. If they were to try and do it now it’s got to be Mitch, McBride and one of Sims, Dadiet or Kolek. Unless they are gonna trade Hart but like why would they do that?

  23. patrickthunnus

    Makes no sense, financially and fit-wise

  24. datatadata

    I hate to be that person but this is mathematically impossible unless we trade away a core player

  25. DavidTrillsdale

    Not enough salary without giving up multiple players and/or a core player, and team depth is thin as is. Won’t happen, and won’t be worth it if it does happen.

  26. Shadsterz


  27. InfinityGauntlet-6

    Can we at least start the season with what we have first?

  28. Little_Animal8807

    Imagine a starting lineup of Brunson, smart, mikal, OG, towns, with hart as your 6th man. You’d desperately need players to come on the cheap though

  29. ChaosIceKing

    Doesn’t seem worth it. Deuce has a higher ceiling than Smart on a much cheaper contract

  30. RicoGemini

    Imagine OG and Smart on the same team


  31. road432

    Only way I see this happening that it works and we don’t lose any core players is to trade Mitch, sign and trade Jacob toppin to a 3.6 mill contract (the remainder of our cap space) and add a rookie to the deal. That’s the only way it works without trading a core guy. But I honestly wouldn’t do it. I feel Mitch can still be a big piece of this team moving forward.

  32. theRestisConfettii

    It would be Mitchell Robinson + salary filler.

    Marcus Smart would be absolute gold in this lineup. I’ve been saying this since he was on the block last season.

  33. whiskeyandtea

    The only person I could see us trading is Mitch, but why would we trade him for a guard? We’re already thin at center, why would we make ourselves even thinner? Does Leon of Rosterexia? We just need to accept and love the roster we have. We need some roster positivity.

  34. Sounds like a leak for leverage in another trade ?

  35. Acceptable_Pop4515

    Not needed. Not worth breaking up what we have right now.

  36. mattr1198

    Tbh, at this point, you have to take rumors like this with a massive grain of salt. Given the KAT, Bridges, and OG trades came out of nowhere, it’s unlikely this is being seriously considered.

  37. RedUzer36

    Leon better chill the fuck out. Better not touch Hart. He’s THE BEST utility guy in the league. Rebounds and hustles like a dawg.

  38. blkhwk27

    i mean, is it possible now, yes, is it worth it now, no. midseason though, if its a combination of mitch & achiuwa i feel that would be a bit more reasonable — would be putting a hell of a lot of trust in sims as the backup center though

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