@Boston Celtics

Triggered LeBum lashes out at Scal with weird sexual insult

Triggered LeBum lashes out at Scal with weird sexual insult

by too-cute-by-half


  1. patsandceltics316

    I loved this live. “You mean to tell me a LeBron teammate became a scapegoat” haha. Noooo that never happens.. 🙄

  2. AirJordan6124

    Lebron be still promoting his “good guy” propaganda when in reality he threw Westbrook under the bus and blame it all on him when things went south. Of course Lebron would act clean, but we all know what happened. That’s just part of his PR stunt

    He pushed for the Westbrook trade in the first place with his “influence”

    Lakers fans and Lebrontards would still deny this because they would never want him deemed as a toxic teammate

    Lebron always gives you PR answers (because he’s so insecure about his image) but in reality he makes moves behind the scenes with the front office and tells them about his complaints or dislikes 🤣

  3. McSmunions

    Jokes on him, Scal was calling the game remotely.

  4. Chuckyducky6

    LeBron was a diddy party regular. No doubt

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