@Milwaukee Bucks

👀👀 anything here? I don’t think we’d trade Gianni’s ever, if anything we’d rebuild around him.

👀👀 anything here? I don’t think we’d trade Gianni’s ever, if anything we’d rebuild around him.

by WisconsinBadgers608


  1. Nicktrod

    We’d only trade him if he asks to be traded or we don’t think he will sign here when his contract is up. 

  2. The_Sign_of_Zeta

    No, it’s him saying that anything can happen if we don’t win. It’s accurate but unlikely, and more than anything I think he’s trying to give himself pressure to step up this year.

  3. Drain_Surgeon69

    Such a nothingburger that’s going to get blown way out of proportion and taken out of context.

    He’s describing the business of basketball. If a team doesn’t win with the roster they have, they blow it up and trade guys. Giannis is arguably the most valuable asset we have in a fire-sale situation. The only teams that don’t do this are teams that can afford to rebuild with FA’s and spend big money on guys.

    I’m not saying we likely do it, but I’m not saying we absolutely would never do it.

  4. B1ueEyesWh1teDragon

    This is nothing burger as it relates to Giannis. I think he is trying to set a tone for the expectations of the franchise from here to the end of his tenure. If you aren’t helping us win a chip, then you will be shown the door.

  5. Murphy_York

    This is Giannis setting the stage to ask for a trade if we don’t compete. Which is funny because he has been a large part of us not succeeding in the playoffs since our title.

  6. ButterscotchDry7447

    We’re the oldest team in the league, have no assets and no good young players I wouldn’t be surprised if we traded him if we don’t win a championship in the next 2 seasons

  7. golddeath

    It hasn’t even happened yet and I’m already crying in the club

  8. HammerPrice229

    Dude is planting seeds to get himself on a new team

  9. WordSpiritual1928

    Nothing. I think he wants to be held accountable like everyone else and not have people think he doesn’t take it as serious as everyone else because he’s “untouchable”. He is, but at least he doesn’t act like it.

  10. ridemooses

    Putting pressure on the FO. He’s done this before.

  11. WisconsinBadgers608

    Just realized my phone put an apostrophe in his name 😑

  12. 3puttbogeyking

    Goona be a sad day when the Bucks inevitably lose him

  13. Mustard_Jam

    There are a few comments here saying it’s Giannis angling for a trade I don’t buy that.

    I do buy that he is trying to put some pressure on the organization though. I think Giannis realized over the last season or so that the roster around him just hasn’t been there and so he has to put some pressure on the team.

    Giannis has needed to go Super Saiyan in the playoffs every time to stand a chance. Even during the ring he needed to average like 35 PPG to squeak out against the Nets and put up similar numbers against the Suns. Next year he loses to the Celtics averaging 34/15/7. This last year they lose in the damn first round. You’d expect a supporting cast on a contender to handle the first round…

    It’s probably been insanely frustrating for him.

  14. kevinmt39

    Giannis will never ask for a trade but his agent will. “There will be no dunking”

  15. GlizzyGone21

    You got Bleached

    Out of context click bait at its finest

  16. Ryan_Brauns_Kippah

    In the full context in the article from the Athletic (it’s a great piece by Eric Nehm btw) basically he’s joking when he says it. An employee walked past and he said “if we don’t win are you fired?” And it was more in that line. Eventually he said that basically he’s using motivation from the past couple years and his national team coach’s motivation to propel him this year

  17. VicePope

    ill chop my dick off before i trade giannis

  18. 1998TimThomas

    I mean we are in year 2 of our 2 year window. If we don’t look the part, it wouldn’t surprise me if him and Dame are moved and we rebuild.

  19. theerealobs

    He says this every offseason at this point lol.

  20. youngdjango10

    Anyone who read this article knows that this is blatantly bad aggregating this is extremely out of context. The original writer from the Athletic who does a fine job outlines that Giannis was joking and saying to a random staffer and Horst they might get fired too if they don’t win a championship.

    He even starts the next paragraph with “in all seriousness”

    It’s a shame what aggregating for clicks has become.

  21. LurkerKing13

    Nothing. But that’s not gonna stop /r/nba from running with it

  22. FlipMoBitch

    I think he could lose a lot of money asking out. Bucks will probably max him for the next two extensions where a team that guts its assets for him will be reluctant to extend him to big $$$ if he misses playoff time.

  23. official_swagDick

    Bucks fans are in denial but our team is aging and we have no future. We can’t build around him when we have no picks and most of our players not named Giannis or Dame are aging and the value they have left is mostly the chemistry they have with the team. I would rather trade Giannis after this year if we don’t win it all rather than keep him another year and have him walk in free agency.

  24. youarenut

    I think it’s a nothing burger. But I could totally see it happening if worst comes to worst. Why?

    Giannis wants more chips. Bucks desperately need more picks. Imagine a trade where Giannis gets traded to someone like OKC where he has a chance to dominate and win another title, and Milwaukee gets like 10 picks lol or more assets.

    And who knows maybe he would want to dip if bucks can’t win.

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