@Golden State Warriors

Golden State Makes STUNNING revelation about Jonathan Kuminga

Golden State Makes STUNNING revelation about Jonathan Kuminga

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  1. Steph, Wiggins, JK, Dray, and TJD is by far the best lineup. It's not even close.

  2. Many things can be true at the same time.

    It's true JK still has many holes in his game, his defence has if anything gotten a little worse the last season. He frequently immediately either isn't in a stance and ready to defend or put himself in the wrong position and gets blown by. He is often aggressive and lacks discipline when closing out, leading to unnecessary fouls.

    But he's also been a lot more active on the boards and is showing a much greater offensive versatility with how he gets his shots. He is not moving the ball much though and is clearly focused on making sure he puts up numbers because he's fighting for the biggest contract he can get whether it's with this team or not.

    But Donkey is also just protecting his spot on the roster and being a selfish SoB as you would expect. He knows he can't really play the 5 very effectively anymore so his only role is at the 4 and even then his presence on the floor and the roster more generally warps the whole team. Yes he can still be effective and even great at times but we are honestly long past the point where he is irreplaceable.

    The team is looking better without the dead weight of Klank holding it down but the new scheme of shoot as many 3s as possible is going to be high variance over the course of the season. Things looks great in pre season playing against inattentive defences and all sorts of wonky lineups and g leaguers fighting for roster spots. Come the regular season I expect things to come down to earth. Podz will see more minutes than both JK and Mood easily. He plays the way Kerr likes.

    If the team makes the play-in it should be considered a success at this point.

  3. lol, people that create videos don’t watch the actual games. Kuminga is a lazy defender. And, barely crashes the boards.
    Any video that only talks about his offense is silly.

  4. Kuminga has one problem: he's not a playmaker but a finisher. he's not a teamplayer but more a player on the team.

  5. Simple – JK is a great athlete, skilled player, but mentally it's sooooo obvious he is not as consistent and reliable as Podj and Moody (and behind them on basketball IQ and overall attitude).

    I do think that until Wiggins return to his top form, JK should start at 3 and Hield at 2.
    But overall Wiggins is better suited for their main small forward, and Hield/Moody/Podj as their shooting guard.

    They should be dynamic with the rotation – when Wiggins/JK start the game slow/unfocused – replace with the other.

    (And Melton shouldn't be the first option for 2… He doesn't shoot the ball as well as Heild/Moody/Podj/Waters. Melton is better as the 3rd option to substitute for Steph (after Podj, who should be their 6th man, the first subsitution for guards)

    1- Steph/Podj/Melton
    2 – Hield/Moody/Waters
    3 – Wiggins/Kuminga
    4 – Green/Kyle/GP2
    5 – TJD/Looney

    That's the 13, and Melton is the least impactful piece here. At least from what we saw in those pre-season games. Still, nice to have 🙂

  6. Nah, I'm betting Curry Wiggins, JK, Dray, TJD are the starters at least for the beginning of the season.

  7. I really don't get it why media are so focus who's going to start😅🤣 hey media and players wake up it ain't about the starting line up , warriors have won the NBA finals in 2022 and even in 2016
    And don't have fix starting line up I mean they start Poole at some games they star Klay at some games sometimes dray is out….soemtime Iguodala will start , I think having a fixed starting line up is an old school thing, For me the game should be played by talents and skills not by hierarchy , The better question is who's going to be the who close games or who's player are going to play during crunch time…thats the most important thing..but the first 5?..nah!…its better that a team don't have a fixed first 5 so your unpredictable for other teams …so other teams can't really prepare for you….

  8. I watched jk fumble the ball so many times last night lol just bringing the ball up the court. And the main reason why these questions about his sf ability is because he’s sht on defense. Not gonna lie as he grows you can just tell he just bullied the kids growing up. Prob never worked on D. He’s completely clueless on defense. I’d start wiggins at 3 and melton at 2 only if wiggins is truly gonna play ball

  9. This thing about Kuminga, an entire video without mention on Pods, and 14 players that could be in the rotation highlight that this offseason has not been 'stellar' by the front office. If they are really going to bench Pods and Kuminga, why not trade them for Makkanen? (Or PG or whomever would be your choice)
    If it has to do with DG and his 'opinions' (JK is not a 4, don't put him in my spot, don't bring in Makkanen…a 7ft 4 that can shoot…) well, that's again poor management

  10. I've saw too many teams get too attached to the "potential" that their young players have and the Dubs are no different. JK and Moody need to make the case that the Warriors should pay them the max contracts that they want this season otherwise I see them being trade bait at the deadline, winning or losing. The simple fact is that JK's play hasn't forced Kerr to start him over other player, especially to guys on one year contracts. Tightening up on defense and becoming consistent beyond the arc would go a long ways towards that this coming season.

  11. Need to START Kuminga, send Green to the bench then trade Green who still has a big mouth and a dunbass podcast. Green has not been starter material for three years he gets ejected does dirty plays complains about everything and is not a team player.m since he still bullied teammates. Need to trade him or release him and his 100k salary.

  12. Intriguing possibility of starting Kuminga at the #4 instead of Draymond but the problem isn't Dray's minutes it's Wiggins. If Wiggins gets minutes at the expense of Kuminga that's the issue. Not sure that Kuminga cares too much about starting but he has to be on the floor at the end and get 25-30 minutes a night regardless of position. Kuminga is the W's second best player but Kerr will find a justification / rationale to limit his minutes holding him accountable while being blind to all of Wigg's liabilities / lack of motor. It's very frustrating as a W's fan to continually see Kerr giving minutes to scrubs just cause he was one back in his playing days – I'm sure he'd happily bring back Anthony Lamb and Ty Jerome and give them minutes IF Dunleavy or Lacob let him…..

  13. Why dont you bench Wiggs and start kuminga have wiggs come off the bench, or start whoever is a better matchup for the team they are playing

  14. The only way Kuminga gets better at defense is by playing him. Not playing him makes criticism of his defensive skills a self-fulfilling prophesy

  15. My best lineup for the warriors next season has Draymond.
    Pg – Curry
    Sg – buddy
    Sf – kuminga
    Pf – draymond
    C – Trayce

    My best lineup without draymond would be
    Pg- Curry
    Sg – buddy
    Sf – moody
    Pf – kuminga
    C – Trayce

  16. Stop it, everyone should be able to come off the bench without any issue, this year they have to trust the coaching staff all the way, there is not star power in GS so they have to use strenght in numbers.

  17. You need to take into account Wiggins may disappear halfway into the season and never be seen again. Also, you have to figure in Green’s inevitable suspension / old man injuries. Either way they should be plenty of minutes for Kuminga.

  18. Sitting JK to play Wiggins is an absolute joke. Wiggins still living off of 2022, Kerr ignoring the last 2 seasons

  19. I like that Steph, Moody, Wiggs, JK and Trayce 'starting' line up with Loone and Draymond getting significant minutes in critical situations. The way the West is currently constituted, most of the Warrior's victories will come from outscoring teams. Dray, Loone and Poz are important pieces of the puzzle, but you can't have one and sometimes 2 non scores or the floor against the Mavs, and Denver for example (period) I know Dray might get a little bit butt hurt, but I have watched some of the greatest NBA players in history come off the bench in their career.

  20. Been a warriors fans since before Steph. I like JK but truth be told he still doesn't rebound hardly at all and remains a liability on defense even with his athletic ability which makes me think he lacks focus/concentration. He scares me as a starter

  21. this channel is so cringe. hype and positivity merchant and the golden state dumb fans love it 😂

  22. I have more faith in JK continuing his development and growing his skills than Wiggins deciding to be a serious 2nd option in year 11. JK has to start.

  23. I’d be interested in us trying out
    Slow mo






  24. Watching what we've had of pre-season, one thing that's struck me is that this is the first time since the KD signing where the Warriors have moved back to a strength-in-numbers approach. A lot of folks forget that before that, their approach was having really solid starters and then a brutally deep bench that could just run other teams off of the floor. When they added KD, they became vastly more top-heavy which proved to be high-risk, high-reward.

    As much as it would be great to see something like that again, where they have a scenario to just rotate in a series of 15 minute players without losing a full step and just overwhelm top-down teams, that's not feasible when you have guys like JK, Moody, Trace, Podz etc that aren't there as midlevels or veteran minimums, or are late draft picks who have settled into bench roles. They have guys fighting to break through (or with JK/Moody, fighting for the reliable playing time to do so) and that's just going to end in tears.

    As a team fan, yeah I'd love to see everybody stay and gel in some form. But being realistic, and wanting to see the young guys get their shot… Steve and Co need to pick a direction to go. You either take a shot at one, maybe two more lightning in a bottle Steph years and tighten the rotation, stick with Steph/Dray/Wiggs and a small supporting cast while moving a few pieces before the deadline for draft picks or a win-now addition; or you start playing for the future of the team and actually keeping the new core playing well together. Give the reins to the kids, and accept that it's going to be bumpy but they have to learn (stop yanking players randomly while others get long leashes). And if they're not going to go with the second approach, I'd love to see them somehow move JK and/or Moody at least, just so they at least can get into a scenario where they actually get to really play and show what they can do. They've both been done dirty here, especially when you look at their draftmates.

  25. Thank you for your comments. Your analysis is brilliant…… the Warriors need to hire you! Draymond Green is the only player I know of in NBA history who has been such a significant catalyst and floor general on both offense and defense, ensuring as much as possible through verbal instructions and hand gestures where players should be to maximize the team’s effectiveness. I am certain Steph Curry would not be the greatest shooter of all time without Draymond Green setting picks for him and putting passes right where they need to be to give Steph the best shot. Just watch past games going back as far as you want and you will see what I mean. But I see what you mean by the benefit of having more shooters on the floor. So, 🤷‍♂️

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