@Golden State Warriors

STEVE KERR: “depth…strength in numbers…being feisty defensively”; “can’t count on chaos anymore”

STEVE KERR: “depth…strength in numbers…being feisty defensively”; “can’t count on chaos anymore”

captions+👇timestamps below, scroll down or tap “More” … PREVIOUS VID: Moody … KERR Q&As: … WIGGINS ANALYSIS: … ALL PLAYLISTS:


00:00 We talked yesterday about how gratifying it is for you as a coach to see some of your guys get better and get paid like Juju money. What’s your reaction to Moody?
00:09 Couldn’t be more excited for Moses and his family. He’s everything that we want in our program, our organization, just the character, the work ethic, the resilience. He’s earned this and I’m just — I’m thrilled for him and I know how excited he is, as he should be. It’s a momentous day in his career and he’s got a lot of years left too. So, I think this is great for him and great for us.
00:41 You always talk about that work ethic with Moses and his journey’s been a little bit different with this team, where he hasn’t always been playing super-heavy rotation minutes, so I’m assuming that that, behind-the-scenes, has a lot to do with getting a three-year extension. Can you just kind of take us behind that curtain a little bit more with him and what he’s shown you with his perseverance and patience and work ethic?
01:04 Yeah, I mean, we obviously want to invest in people and in people we believe in. It’s — Obviously, the players have to be talented. They have to fit in with what we’re trying to do, all that stuff. But it’s ultimately — you’re, investing in people you believe in. And Moses is, he’s that person. He’s always been very wise from a young age. His first year with the team, you could see a very quiet wisdom that his parents clearly bestowed upon him. And I’ve just always enjoyed coaching him and being around him and he’s been through the ringer a little bit. He hasn’t found a consistent spot in the rotation, although at such a young age, it’s more to be expected, especially on a good team like ours. I mean, we won a championship in his first year and, in the last couple years, he’s got a lot of guys who can play around him as, as he does this year too. So, hasn’t always gone his way, but he’s shown what he can do and he’s earned every bit of this contract.
02:17 Related to that, was there any sort of guarantee you and the front office had to make to him, in order to get this done?
02:24 What do you mean? Guarantee you what?
02:26 A role —
02:27 No, no. No, it can’t work that way. All the team and the agency was, has talked money, and everything else is about just, ‘Go do your job and compete,’ and we’ll see how it shakes out…
[entire Transcript in Comments 👉]

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FROM OCT 21, 2024, Golden State Warriors practice, held at Chase Center in San Francisco, CA, 2 days before games at Portland Trail Blazers.



  1. 00:00 We talked yesterday about how gratifying it is for you as a coach to see some of your guys get better and get paid like Juju money. What's your reaction to Moody?
    00:09 Couldn't be more excited for Moses and his family. He's everything that we want in our program, our organization, just the character, the work ethic, the resilience. He's earned this and I'm just — I'm thrilled for him and I know how excited he is, as he should be. It's a momentous day in his career and he's got a lot of years left too. So, I think this is great for him and great for us.
    00:41 You always talk about that work ethic with Moses and his journey's been a little bit different with this team, where he hasn't always been playing super-heavy rotation minutes, so I'm assuming that that, behind-the-scenes, has a lot to do with getting a three-year extension. Can you just kind of take us behind that curtain a little bit more with him and what he's shown you with his perseverance and patience and work ethic?
    01:04 Yeah, I mean, we obviously want to invest in people and in people we believe in. It's — Obviously, the players have to be talented. They have to fit in with what we're trying to do, all that stuff. But it's ultimately — you're, investing in people you believe in. And Moses is, he's that person. He's always been very wise from a young age. His first year with the team, you could see a very quiet wisdom that his parents clearly bestowed upon him. And I've just always enjoyed coaching him and being around him and he's been through the ringer a little bit. He hasn't found a consistent spot in the rotation, although at such a young age, it's more to be expected, especially on a good team like ours. I mean, we won a championship in his first year and, in the last couple years, he's got a lot of guys who can play around him as, as he does this year too. So, hasn't always gone his way, but he's shown what he can do and he's earned every bit of this contract.
    02:17 Related to that, was there any sort of guarantee you and the front office had to make to him, in order to get this done?
    02:24 What do you mean? Guarantee you what?
    02:26 A role —
    02:27 No, no. No, it can't work that way. All the team and the agency was, has talked money, and everything else is about just, 'Go do your job and compete,' and we'll see how it shakes out.
    02:50 Just frankly, what's his role to start the season? Is it 9th Man, 10th? When you fill out your rotation, it can change, but it does look like you've kind of got nine solid guys, and maybe Moses and Gary Payton are kind of, like, slash in a role.
    03:08 Is that — is that your — so your nine?
    03:11 Your nine? Yeah, I mean, the way you've been playing, just looking from afar, not that I have–
    03:15 Then who's — so who's 10 and 11?
    03:17 It would be Moses and then you have — well I can't even count it, but you've got Looney.
    03:25 Yeah.
    03:25 Hield, then Podziemski or Melton, whoever doesn't start. You've got Kuminga, that's nine. GP2 would be 10. Moody 10.
    03:35 Keep going, too.
    03:37 I'm — I'm kind of messing with you a little bit, but I'm — I want you guys to know the game I play in my head every day. And I can tell you right now, Lindy — Lindy Waters has had a fantastic camp. I think he's second on our team and plus-minus, over the course of the training camp games. Gui can help us win a game. Those are the only two guys I would tell you right now are not going to be in the rotation Wednesday. I've told them both that. They know that. That leaves twelve.
    04:12 I forgot about Kyle Anderson.
    04:13 Yeah. Yeah. So there's twelve. So we have — we have a great problem on our hands. We have an incredibly deep team, but just do me a favor when you write, after Wednesday night, your stories about the game and — or if you ask me after the game, why I didn't play so and so, just ask or please tell me who I should have taken out of the rotation. And then I'll have more clarity, so… Fair?
    04:51 How do you feel about starting the season on the road? Is it easier? Are you ambivalent?
    04:56 I'm ambivalent. We have 82 and it doesn't really matter.
    05:01 When you go to Utah, do fresh memories come up of Deki?
    05:05 When? I'm sorry —
    05:06 When you go to Utah, you have Portland and then Utah. Does —
    05:10 Of course, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's a — that's a tough one. We went back there last year after, his death and that was difficult. So, I'm not looking forward to that trip for that reason.
    05:28 Steve, we were talking to Loon yesterday and he was talking about the communication being so critical to you guys this year, important. In the past, you've had the core group together for so long that they had a lot of unspoken communications going on and Loon even talked about, 'We thrived on chaos because we knew basically how to freelance off of each other.' With so many new faces, so many new young guys, how important is that to keep that communication? And how much have you seen that growth in that way from the team that you first took over?
    05:57 Yeah. We can't count on chaos anymore, given the way the rest of the league is playing, that the — the lineups that we see, the switching defenses. Our roster now compared to where we were five years ago, six years ago, we have had to make some changes and we're in the midst of that. I'm really proud of the guys for, especially our vets, for embracing that,. We've got to get more organized. We've got — and that requires a lot of work every day. So, I'm hoping it translates. I think it will, because I'm seeing a lot of good stuff in practice, but yeah, we have to communicate. But we have to — we have to get reps in of this stuff we're working on because, yeah, the chaos won't get us where we want anymore.
    06:57 You kind of just hit on that, Steve. So I assume going into seasons some years, more than others, kind of the identity of your team and what they'll have to do to be successful, I guess, heading into this season. Do you have a great feel of what it is that you guys really need to hang your hat on to be successful and get back to the places? And if so, what is that?
    07:19 Yeah, it's depth. It's strength in numbers. It's being feisty defensively, multiple-effort team, and we've got to push the ball. If we can improve in transition in both directions, as we were talking about earlier, we've got 14 guys, all 14 guys can play. I think this team will be able to withstand injuries well, based on that depth. Honestly, the key is establishing ourselves at the defensive end early in the season and then play off of that. And that's what we've been working on.
    07:58 Hey Steve, I wore this jacket for you by the way.
    08:00 I'm sorry?
    08:01 I wore this jacket for you, by the way.
    08:02 Oh, yeah. Go Dodgers. Oh, wait. Did I say that in the Bay Area? Shit. Sorry.
    08:07 Anyway, given the depth that you mentioned, how's the role going to be for Steph this year? I mean, obviously he's going to be playing majority of minutes again. Do you kind of pencil out him to be like a 30-to 35-minute guy at night?
    08:20 I don't want 35. I want 32. We'll pencil him in for 32 and there's for sure gonna be games where he plays more. But I do think this team is well suited to give him some rest and try to keep him around that 32 mark.
    08:38 Steve, have you settled on Andrew at the two?
    08:42 Maybe. Not willing to provide my starting lineup at this point.
    08:48 Well, how has he made his case, then, I should ask that?
    08:51 I think he's done well. He's only had the two games, but his conditioning is looking better and better every day, his rhythm. And I trust Wiggs. I mean, it's been a tough last year-and-a-half for him for a number of reasons, but this is a guy who has won a championship and played an enormous role in that championship and been a 20 point-scorer in the league. So, we know what Wiggs can do and I think we're going to get a really good version of him this year.
    09:24 Do you sense a renewed sense of focus and engagement with him now?
    09:29 Yeah, I do. Yeah, I think he feels that he worked really hard in the offseason. I think there's there's a little bit of closure with his dad's passing and, as difficult as everything has been over the last couple of years in that regard, I just think that, when you lose someone, there's — it's — especially after a struggle, I think there's just a little bit of a feeling of relief because that person isn't struggling anymore. And that alone, I think, allows a person to free himself up and — and I can speak to that from experience. And it's just — I think that's a factor. I know Wiggs is a very private guy and purposely does not really want to open up about this, but I feel comfortable as his coach saying this, that he's an incredible human being. He's just — everybody loves him so much. He's such a great father and a great son and he's been through a lot and I just think that he's got some peace of mind in a way, despite the obvious pain that comes along with it.
    [👇transcript continues in Reply Comment below👇]

  2. Sorry to hear about Andrew's loss. Still, the man a short professional career and is getting paid roughly $30 Mil. He needs to have his best season, and the Warriors could win it all. Step it up!

  3. Excellent team synopsis.. I do question Kerr's ability to make correct decisions, based on his Dodger fandom?

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