@National Basketball Association

[Lowe] If the Lakers were willing to send their 2027 and 2029 picks unprotected alongside Westbrook to Indiana for Hield and Turner, Indiana would probably do that trade

>Let’s talk about the trade stuff that’s been going on, and can the Lakers get anything for Russ and their picks (2027 and 2029)?

>My best intel right now is if the Lakers called Indiana right now and said ‘Both picks unprotected,’ the Pacers would do that deal.

>Even if you’re just increasing your chances by 5%, you have to do it. You don’t know how many years left of LeBron you have.


by jack64467


  1. jack64467

    cheapie buss better do this. i’m starting to suspect she wont let bron tie kobe in rings, even at the expense of the lakers organization

  2. Oh my goodness this management is terrible! Just unload this dumpster fire. You got a ring out of 4 years of LeBron, it was a success. Trade him away, get rid of everyone and try to get picks back so your whole future isn’t destroyed

  3. OsmosisJonesFanClub

    No thanks honestly. We’re shelling out 2 likely valuable picks to just get out of Russ’s last year? Turner and Hield do not make us better than any real contender, so why do it? Just to dump Russ’s last year?

    I’d honestly rather ride out this year. I know Lebron’s getting older, but I just don’t think this trade makes us contenders, and it doesn’t bode well for our future.

  4. isit65outsideor

    Turner and Buddy aren’t worth firsts. No other teams are wanting them.

    Lakers are not trading with the Pacers.

  5. They clearly aren’t willing, it’s about to be 2 weeks from the season start.

  6. walterdog12

    No shit. We’ve known this since the trade deadline.

    We’ve literally known for months now that the Pacers want both picks if they were to do this trade.

  7. whiskeyinthejaar

    I wouldn’t do it. Turner and Hield are mediocre. Unless AD go back to 2018-2020 level, we will be a play-in team with or without Turner and Hield, so it makes absolutely no sense to max out the cap-space, and move picks to be as mediocre

  8. ihateeuge

    Rental and a bad contract. I’d rather just role with what we got. Only get one shot to use those picks

  9. Fuck_U_BBM

    In hindsight, that trade won’t make much of an impact. They will likely let go off those picks after this season and that is reasonable enough. With Westbrook out and a sizeable cap space available next summer, they can finally use and seize the value of those picks and locate that third star around Bron and AD

    Yeah they gotta capitalize their time with Bron, but dude will eventually gonna take the backseat for years to come in LA. That’s why AD’s health and takeover are very much instrumental for their future

  10. KianNeon

    To be honest isn’t Russ’s contract running out on the lakers and opening up cap space more valuable on the lakers than the pacers?

  11. ValuableAssociate8

    It’s been all season, Lakers don’t want Buddy or Myles for them picks. Lakers need a trade but Westbrook contract untradable. Literally

  12. Maybe because they arent worth 2 firsts anyway smart move by Rob.

  13. isaacz321

    Prefer Richardson poetl McDermott for sure if that’s available

  14. The market has spoken and nobody is trading 2 picks for these guys. Getting off of a bad contract and getting a first for doing so is enough for a tanking team. If the Pacers have a better deal they should take it. If not…oh well.

  15. raylan_givens6

    Pacers shouldn’t do the Lakers any favors

    reality is the Lakers roster is a hot mess , odds are they miss the play in tournament

    lakers are going nowhere for a long time

    pacers have the leverage , use it

  16. Well yeah. But we’re not gonna fleece ourselves

  17. PakPresiden

    As bad as russ is last season I rather gamble on him to give him 1 more year than go with players who clearly have injuries problem.

    Not to mention lost 2 first pick, not worth it.

  18. brentljs411

    In today’s episode of helping the Lakers…

  19. martie242

    I rather wait till the trade deadline to see how the team looks if Westbrook is still bad just trade him or send him home. We got in this situation because of a panic trade a PG was needed and Trezz had to go but if we kept Kuz and KCP and added a good big plus pg we would have been fine. We were killing the Suns before injuries happened. Hold on to the picks a star might want out you never know

  20. Mygaffer

    What a stupid take. That deal doesn’t get this team to the finals. And two unprotected firsts in the future after they already traded a bunch of picks and players would be giving up way too much to not make the finals.

  21. StoneColdAM

    Only risk is Myles is also an expiring. I think Russ + a first and a 2nd or two is the sweet spot.

  22. nova2006

    Westbrook for DeRozan and Lonzo? Bulls should blow up trade LaVine to NY

  23. Tearz_in_rain

    Is Lowe just recycling stuff from June now?

  24. DiscardedRonaldo2017

    Glad to see everyone is finally coming around that these trade ideas were always going to be bad for the Lakers and didn’t make sense. This trade is easily the best one that was rumoured for the Lakers as well. A shooting defensive big allowing AD to play PF and an elite shooter, exactly what we need.

    Still, I would rather run it back with Westbrook and see how we go with a healthy AD instead of losing all possibility of a trade in the future with all the cap space we are about to get.

  25. angel2timez

    Lakers have won to much to not throw in all the marbles for one season. Even though 2 unprotected picks probably won’t give them better chances at winning it all in the future either

  26. HerissonG

    Why would they do that? Hield and Turner are valuable, pieces, why trade them for a negative asset and two firsts?

  27. HotdogIsaSandwitch

    I’ve changed my thinking on this when thinking about it logically. Two **unprotected** picks for Hield and Turner? Come on. Russ has got one year left.

    Pacers are playing hard ball, but I would float one lightly protected plus Russ and Reaves and see if they bite.

    At the end of the day of day. They just drafted Mathurin and Duarte and don’t need Hield eating their minutes up and supposedly are really high on Isiah Jackson, who would get more minute with Turner gone.

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