@Los Angeles Lakers

Stop trying to find a way to FIT-OUT and just FIT-IN

Stop trying to find a way to FIT-OUT and just FIT-IN

by LonzoBBBall


  1. EvilGeniusGL

    Do it in real games against actual competition and then we can talk.

    It’s much easier to role play in practice.

  2. Durandau

    Tbh they shouldn’t trade him at this point lol. It’s already too late with preseason about to start. Just seems cold as shit to trade him now.

  3. Ah yes the classic reports of preseason shooting improvements. We’ll all believe when we see it

  4. Training_Daikon_4259

    HA, watch all of this not position over to actual games that matter. Keep the hopium tank filled

  5. abhaiyat

    I’m sure opposing defenses will be really scared of his refined shooting technique.

  6. If he just turns it on and becomes a defensive pest I’m going to be happy but even more pissed at that bullshit I watched last year

  7. lakernation21

    Honestly there’s no reason why he shouldn’t be decent defensively lol. Only reason he’s done bad is because of his stat padding trying to get rebounds leaving ppl open

  8. percbandit

    > For the Pacers, every conversation with the Lakers led to an ultimate demand: Both of L.A.’s available first-round picks — or no deal.

    This is likely nothing, Pacers and Lakers both aren’t budging.

  9. Paraagade


  10. IHave580

    Let’s go Russ! Let’s see if he can keep that up throughout the season!

  11. thadiusb

    Just in time to get traded to the Pacers and rot until a buyout lol

  12. ZizouGOAT10

    Ben Simmons looks like Steph Curry in practice vids this means nothing. Westbrook stans will be like “he’s changed, he can do all these things now lakers should keep him!” and then when he doesn’t do those things they’re like “y’all are asking him to be something he’s not it’s unfair!”

  13. blueandgoldLA

    do y’all prefer not getting any updates lol, cuz games aren’t being played. he can’t show you in-game.

  14. AzulKuma8

    Means NOTHING until we see it during the regular season.

  15. nellywentdiamond

    Bro if Russ actually plays well this season people will still find ways to hate it is what it is 🤣🤣🤣

  16. mrlandlord

    No matter what, I hope he plays well. If we keep him, we have cap for next year and a chance to go deep in the playoffs. If we trade him, we get more for him. Win win either way.

  17. relivesa

    Yeah yeah. No team sucks during trading camp. We’ll see what he does when the games count

  18. coolerthanice

    I’m actually rooting for Russ to hopefully turn it around and succeed this season. I want anyone wearing the Lakers uniform to do well.

  19. BizzyHaze

    Would be the best redemption story of he turned things around and won back his hometown support. I’ll gladly be the first to eat my crow.

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