@National Basketball Association

[Schiffer] Steve Nash said Kyrie Irving and his wife welcomed a new baby yesterday. Everyone is doing good. Nash is unsure if Irving plays tomorrow.

[Schiffer] Steve Nash said Kyrie Irving and his wife welcomed a new baby yesterday. Everyone is doing good. Nash is unsure if Irving plays tomorrow.

by Evilsj


  1. WondrousIdeals

    why is Kyrie Irving having a baby with Ms Nash???

  2. BabaBrody

    Hope that baby gets vaxxed and that Kyrie takes the full 12 weeks for paternity leave in solidarity with working parents.

  3. ripmeleedair

    Congrats on your new son Jupiter 2 Omega Longthought Gravitational Impedence Irving

  4. Neat-Lab5660

    Man, it’s some weird fuckers under this post. Disliking Kyrie is one thing, but making jokes about his newborn baby is beyond crazy. You boys are miserable

  5. NudeEnjoyer

    best wishes to him and his fam, wouldnt blame him for missing a preseason game at all

  6. netsfan2002

    This sub continuing to prove it’s full of toxic 12 year olds.

  7. BlockOfTheYear

    Im seeing more people complain about the comments than I see actual problematic comments. Did stuff get deleted or something?

  8. Thunder_Gun_Xpress

    Wonder if that baby got vaccinated

  9. ngorman007

    Why do people care so much about whether his baby will be vaccinated? Surely y’all must have *something* better to do


  10. SardonicSeraphim

    Poor baby, about to be indoctrinated into the conspiracy theory and anti-science movement.

  11. People hating on the question

    “Is kyrie’s baby gonna be vaccinated”

    As if this isn’t a very interesting discussion lmfao

  12. mfsauceboy

    Him playing tomorrow is less likely than him falling off the edge of the earth

  13. tedcruzrileycurry

    I wonder if she’s going to get vaccinations.

  14. pandaisunbreakable

    this thread should go to r/trashy

  15. Ok-Map4381

    Finally Irving is taking personal time for a good reason.

  16. CallMeBruceGold

    I’m no fan of Kyrie and taking time off, but who cares if he plays tomorrow? His child was just born!

  17. lolvalue

    Does he believe in vaccines for children or is it just the covid one that he didn’t like?

  18. elimanninglightspeed

    Some of yall bozos are pathetic as fuck. Kyrie is a moron but no need to wish death or saying how happy you would be if he died like holy fuck grow up

  19. WheresMyFalafelYo

    Look. I don’t wish any ill will on Kyrie as a human being. But that man should not be raising a child.

  20. Magazine_Mediocre

    This thread is crazy. I read this tweet and thought, “wow he actually has a legit reason to miss work this time” but now that feels like too tame a response…

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