@Orlando Magic

Initial Thoughts On The Orlando Magic | The NBA Show

This is a conversation from The NBA show brought to you by Cyro Asseo & Wil Upton, regarding every facet of the NBA, LIVE Monday through Friday at 5:00 PM ET – 6:00 PM ET.

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  1. Chums told the media on media day his Nigerian family told him he’s been pronouncing his name wrong so he fixed it. He officially goes by Chuma OH-KAY-KAY

  2. The starting line up was wack
    Bamba has no business starting

    And how can you say cole was 6th man
    Suggs played like strate trash 🗑 like a liability

    Fultz – cole – Franz – banchero – Carter jr

    Hampton – Ross – wagner – issac – bol –

    Bamba and suggs lose there spot in rotation
    They were highly disappointing

  3. It's actually o kaaay kaaaay now.chuma recently just said that he is going back to his Nigerian roots and his family told him that the correct pronunciation is OKAAAY
    KAAAAY.its now changed to oKAAAY KAAAY

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