@Los Angeles Lakers

Beverley said he really likes Max Christie (who just flew in for a put-back dunk, and has six points with a pair of jumpers): “Sponge, too, he likes to learn everything.”

Beverley said he really likes Max Christie (who just flew in for a put-back dunk, and has six points with a pair of jumpers): “Sponge, too, he likes to learn everything.”

by kgglobandz


  1. moms_santa_train

    Solid young dude, a lot to build off.

  2. We gonna collect L’s this pre season but just thinking about the possibilities with our main guys has me excited, if they all buy in to bring it on the defensive side, the team can do some damage

    Only worry is wing defense, especially against a team like the clippers with pg and kawhi

  3. ranchoparksteve

    Max just needs more strength. He can’t fight over screens. His BBIQ is pretty decent.

  4. Christie looks like he’s already leveled up since summer league. Reminds me a lot of first year Ingram. Good handle, great movement, smooth mechanics, nice BBIQ, just can’t finish yet.

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