@Miami Heat

[Post Game] Heat preseason squad defeats Memphis starters | Duncan Robinson 29 PTS, Cain 19 PTS

[box score](

by tomgreen99200


  1. MusterBait

    Did we just watched dunc and bench guys cook grizzlies led by Morant? Damn. Jovic and Cain balling out is an icing on the cake

  2. opportunitysassassin

    I couldn’t stop grinning at the comeback in the second quarter.

  3. RansomGoddard

    Anyone who thought that the main guys being out would make this a boring game really missed out. Fun fucking game.

  4. That was really fun. Missed watching the games with y’all. Duncan is back! And our guys came to play! Can’t wait for the regular season!

  5. DTFpanda

    Actually in shock how well the whole team played against Grizz starters

    Special shoutouts to Jovic, Cain, Highsmith, and Bouyea

    Edit: How could I forget the biggest shout-out that goes to COTY. Honorable mention to Tyler’s pink fit

  6. BossKingGodd

    People that skipped the game missed a good one. Glad I stuck around.

  7. Repulsive-Slice2234



  8. surgeyou123

    Memphis fucked around and found out


  9. xX_FeetFucker54_Xx

    Didn’t watch the game. How did Jovic play?

  10. BluexFlash

    The Heat development can’t keep getting away with this

  11. El_Cowboyz

    I got so many players I want to max tonight.

  12. sivervipa

    Robinson is trying to play his way back into the rotation and he’s earning it. Ya love to see it.

  13. Dynamical164

    Nikola Jovic is the only high school shooter I’d root for

  14. rapelbaum

    Heat found 2 new diamonds, Jovic snd Cain
    Can’t wait until season starts

    LFG Heat


  15. donotnut459

    Grizz fan here. You guys just fucking embarrassed us 😭.Idk how you guys do it but you guys get new guys every year that just get buckets.

  16. spatemplockedgloom

    Wow, insane win despite the colossal FT disparity.

  17. This is all meaningless unless the heat IG plays the winning song

  18. jovic passing has been a pleasure to watch so far

  19. BoulderAndBrunch

    Preseason hype is real! Let’s Go Heat!!

  20. lounginaddict

    NGL I’m semi lit at a random bar in Orlando, looked up at the TV, thought Tyler was dribbling and it was Jovic, man’s the future

  21. LeRohameaux

    Jovic, Highsmith, and Cain. Develop these guys and we have a great future when Jimmy G is gone.

  22. josephside

    This game was all culture

    Glad to see Dunc back to form and all the potential from the new guys

  23. PM_ME_BAD_Parlays

    Another nice piece of work put in by Spo. No starters no problem

  24. strangerthingskids

    Crazy Jovic is dribble up the ball. Dude is 6’9, 6’11? Either way that’s wild

  25. If your team is ass but still sticking in the game ALWAYS assume they comeback. Writing was on the wall we had the chance to win in the first half even starting out down 10. Highsmith Jovic gonna be interesting in the reg season and honestly what’s betters for us then a older PJ. A spark plug like those two need experience. Not sure where Cain fits in but injuries will come down the road and I’m happy if he’s our 2 way over smith or garret, keeping in mind garrets D. Fun natural fun!

  26. iliveonramen

    Best coached and best ran team in the league.

    I was way too excited over a pre season game. After battling so hard I really wanted them to win it.

  27. BadRomanceMala

    I was worried in the first with the 15 point deficit and then I came back in time by half time to see that the heat were down 2.

    From there, the game was hella entertaining and the bench guys showed a lot of effort. Also Duncan cooking the Grizzles was a sight to behold

  28. OwnWait5

    Pre-season or not that was still an embarrassing L

  29. vincemeister55

    Im loving this team. Cut Garrett and replace him with Cain. Cain can ball. His trajectory would be he get signed to a reg contract during the mid-season kinda like Caleb last year. I like Bouyea too. I havent seen much of Darius Days yet, and he’s one of our 2 2-way players.

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