@National Basketball Association

Draymond Green allegedly called Jordan Poole a “bitch” before punch

Sources who were at the practice where Green punched Poole tell us … in the days leading up to the incident, Poole was carrying himself differently — in a cocky manner. The alleged behavior was creating friction between him and some of his teammates, including Draymond, who has reportedly also asked for a big extension.

Fast forward to Wednesday’s practice. Our sources on site say Poole called several fouls during a scrimmage, and Draymond called him a “bitch” multiple times as a result.

Things escalated when Poole allegedly said, “You know what it is, Draymond.” — seemingly bragging over the contract situation — and Draymond got in Poole’s face, allegedly saying, “No I don’t know, what is it?”

by horseshoeoverlook


  1. AdvancedHat7630

    …carrying himself in a cocky manner is what started it? That sound familiar, Dray?

  2. shrimpsiumai02

    Is this that Klutch bullshit too? Looks like they’re doubling down. SMH

  3. in 30 years people will tell this story with Donkey in good light, talking about how they miss the old NBA and how tough it used to be

  4. Bedobdubsbubs

    >Poole was carrying himself differently — in a cocky manner. The alleged behavior was creating friction between him and some of his teammates, including Draymond, who has reportedly also asked for a big extension.


    >seemingly bragging over the contract situation

    yo this is all speculation lmao

  5. I heard he told Draymond that the Warriors are not only giving Jordan Draymond’s money, they’re also going to make Draymond face Jordan in a ladder match for the custody of his kids. Sources tell me Draymod finally lost it when Poole whispered “I’m your papi” before he shoved him.

  6. q345oiawerg

    So the way they’re trying to spin it is that Dray attacked Jordan for being Dray? And in good faith believing that this casts Dray in a better light?

  7. Blackmanwdaplan

    Poole called so many of his own fouls that Draymond felt compelled to show him what a real foul is.

  8. pinkiebear

    > Stephen Curry, Andre Iguodala and head coach Steve Kerr came to Poole’s defense earlier this week … denying his attitude had anything to do with the altercation.

    > In fact, Steph went as far as to say it was “absolute BS” … but our sources are adamant the team is trying to save face.

    Them trying to act like their “sources” isn’t Draymond and/or Klutch. Think I’ll believe Steph, Andre, and Kerr over the dude that sucker punched his own teammate.

  9. dez-moines

    Was what Poole said in the moment that disrespectful to warrant that response? Up until Poole shoved Dray out of his space, I didn’t see a single teammate or staff turn their head

  10. craigslistaddict

    >in the days leading up to the incident, Poole was carrying himself differently — in a cocky manner

    i mean… so what. even if this were true, normal human beings just roll their eyes at this sort of thing, they don’t punch someone for it and think it’s some kind of understandable justification for being provoked into doing so.

  11. Fuck this donkey mouth breather. I can‘t even count all the incidents this dude has had in the past couple of years. Plus the constant bitching to the refs. This donkey thinks he is above everyone else and I can’t take it no more. He crossed a line this time and I can’t wait to hear what the punishment will look like. Realistically you can’t bring him back but apparently GSW has let everytthing slide in the past with him, even altercations with the coach.

  12. Bubby_JJT_808

    Poole’s a hard worker. He earned it. In the last 10 years Draymond’s jumper has become more and more worse over time, yet his mouth gets louder and louder…maybe if he worked on his game in the off season as much as he likes running his mouth, he’d have a half decent jumper by now and GSW would’ve paid him too. Let him go talk with other teams and just match whatever they offer. If he walks, he walks. They were better in the finals without him. That’s why they benched him, and decided to pay Poole instead.

  13. SardonicSeraphim

    Fucking crazy how both Finals teams got embroiled in a scandal weeks before opening night lol

  14. Ok-Entertainer-7904

    Me thinks Poole probably wants his bag and Draymond knows if Poole doesn’t take a paycut to keep the team together his ass is the first getting traded to make cap space….they are trying to soft touch Pooles tiny little ego because he could just want out himself after this in which case Dray has chased off young talent which would poison the well when ppl consider “oh I need to deal with that fucking nitwit to play with steph…nm”

  15. waffle-winner

    Poole getting the bag and the implications of that for green’s extension clearly played a role. Draymond insecure as shit and rightly so, wasnt getting the extension he wanted.

  16. izukuwest

    The source is the video guy that leaked the video evidently

  17. Draymond Green is a massive prick lol, always has been

  18. No_Jelly_6050

    Wow Draymond really is a nut lol. They’re still leaking stories that seem not be true. And this man really was that upset over a K situation to the point where he ready to fight. He’s acting like Poole is drafting the K himself. The punch is already bad enough but leaking stories to disparage your teammates character is even wilder.

  19. Phenomenal2313

    I’ve been in a lot of basketball practices and something acting cocky is just that , so what if he’s acting cocky , it’s not like he’s hurting someone

  20. 0percentwinrate

    You’re tripping if you think we’d believe Steph, Kerr, Bob, and Andre over Chris Haynes.

  21. Draymond has fucked himself over on this one. Easy choice for Warriors between the almost 33 year old or the 23 year old who looks like a future all-star imo.

  22. donkeybrainedhooper

    Dont let the door hit your backpack on the way out!

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