@Golden State Warriors

Draymond: “I love Jordan Poole. That’s my guy…my actions have to show my apology…I failed as a man”




• Draymond in his opening statement said that any reports of Jordan being a problem are false. “I don’t hide from anything. I own my mistakes. To go sit on my podcast would be not taking questions and hiding from the issue at hand.” (Dalton Johnson, Mark Medina, 95.7 The Game)

• “Number one, I was wrong for my actions that took place on Wednesday and for that, I have apologized to my team. I have apologized to Jordan.” (95.7 The Game, Madeline Kenney)

• Green calls the video being released a “huge embarrassment” not just for him, but for Jordan, the team and Poole’s family: “With the video leaking, there is a huge embarrassment that comes with that not only for myself with the own committing the action. But the embarrassment that Jordan has to deal with, the team has to deal with, the organization has to deal with and his family…Quite frankly if my mother saw that video, I know how she would feel…I apologize to his mother and father, his family& friends who care for him.” He also apologized to his family, adding his wife is receiving comments that he’ll do that to her at home. (Monte Poole, Mark Medina, Madeline Kenney, Melissa Rohlin)

• Green: “That is the task at hand to rebuild trust in our locker room and pull everything back together in order to repeat and defend a championship. Although that is the least of my worries right now, that has to stay at the forefront.” (Mark Medina)

• Green: “I don’t think brotherhood is gone but in brotherhood sometimes that splintered…It’s important that I do the work to put that back together…That is on me to do the work to rebuild but on his time. If he ever wants to do that. That is a personal choice for Jordan and I have to accept whatever comes with that.” Green said he has a really good personal relationship with Jordan Poole. He took him under his wing, advocated for him and encouraged him to have a voice. (Madeline Kenney, Melissa Rohlin, 95.7 The Game)

• Draymond denies his punch was about contracts: “I can assure you I don’t count other people’s pockets. That’s nothing I would ever stop doing.” He said the ongoing contract negotiations “had absolutely nothing to do with anything. (Dalton Johnson, Kerith Burke, Mark Medina, Madeline Kenney)

• “I am a very flawed human being. I am a constant work in progress and I’ll continue to do the work…I look forward to doing the work…that it takes to make it right…That day that took place I was in a very very very bad space mentally dealing with some things in my personal life …When you are doing something when you step on the court, that doesn’t go away. As a leader of this team, I needed to have a better feel for myself and where my wicks end was…One thing I lack is knowing how to let my emotions out…I can walk you everything that got to me to that point, but that doesn’t make it right.” (Monte Poole, Mark Medina, Kendra Andrews, 95.7 The Game, Madeline Kenney, Shayna Rubin, Kerith Burke)

• “I failed as a leader. I failed as man.” (Marcus Thompson)

• On the video of his punch being leaked: “I thought it was bullshit. No other videos leak from practice. When we’re working on our sets, that don’t leak…If I’m being honest it’s 100% bullshit.” He says he watched it 15 times, “it looks even worse than I thought it was. It’s pathetic…But what I did was wrong, regardless of how the video was leaked with audio or without audio, I was wrong. I accept that and will move forward with that.” Draymond also thanked the Warriors for taking it so seriously and launching an investigation. (Mark Medina, Kendra Andrews, Dalton Johnson, Shayna Rubin, 95.7 The Game)

• Green said he’s leaving the team for a few days to work on himself and to give team and Jordan some space. He didn’t give a clear response on when he would return: “I’m going to take a few days. Or I don’t know how many days. Just take some time to myself. Allow our team to start their healing process. But take some time to myself and get deep in my thoughts. Do things that I have to do to continue to work on me.” (Madeline Kenney, Mark Haynes, 95.7 The Game)

[This was only half the quotes. For the rest, see our website:]

NOTE: From during Golden State Warriors practice, 2 days before next preseason game vs LA Lakers.

#Warriors #DraymondGreen #GoldenStateWarriors






    • Draymond in his opening statement said that any reports of Jordan being a problem are false. “I don't hide from anything. I own my mistakes. To go sit on my podcast would be not taking questions and hiding from the issue at hand.” (Dalton Johnson, Mark Medina, 95.7 The Game)

    • “Number one, I was wrong for my actions that took place on Wednesday and for that, I have apologized to my team. I have apologized to Jordan.” (95.7 The Game, Madeline Kenney)

    • Green calls the video being released a “huge embarrassment” not just for him, but for Jordan, the team and Poole's family: “With the video leaking, there is a huge embarrassment that comes with that not only for myself with the own committing the action. But the embarrassment that Jordan has to deal with, the team has to deal with, the organization has to deal with and his family…Quite frankly if my mother saw that video, I know how she would feel…I apologize to his mother and father, his family& friends who care for him.” He also apologized to his family, adding his wife is receiving comments that he'll do that to her at home. (Monte Poole, Mark Medina, Madeline Kenney, Melissa Rohlin)

    • Green: “That is the task at hand to rebuild trust in our locker room and pull everything back together in order to repeat and defend a championship. Although that is the least of my worries right now, that has to stay at the forefront.” (Mark Medina)

    • Green: “I don't think brotherhood is gone but in brotherhood sometimes that splintered…It's important that I do the work to put that back together…That is on me to do the work to rebuild but on his time. If he ever wants to do that. That is a personal choice for Jordan and I have to accept whatever comes with that.” Green said he has a really good personal relationship with Jordan Poole. He took him under his wing, advocated for him and encouraged him to have a voice. (Madeline Kenney, Melissa Rohlin, 95.7 The Game)

    • Draymond denies his punch was about contracts: “I can assure you I don't count other people's pockets. That's nothing I would ever stop doing.” He said the ongoing contract negotiations "had absolutely nothing to do with anything. (Dalton Johnson, Kerith Burke, Mark Medina, Madeline Kenney)

    • “I am a very flawed human being. I am a constant work in progress and I'll continue to do the work…I look forward to doing the work…that it takes to make it right…That day that took place I was in a very very very bad space mentally dealing with some things in my personal life …When you are doing something when you step on the court, that doesn't go away. As a leader of this team, I needed to have a better feel for myself and where my wicks end was…One thing I lack is knowing how to let my emotions out…I can walk you everything that got to me to that point, but that doesn't make it right.” (Monte Poole, Mark Medina, Kendra Andrews, 95.7 The Game, Madeline Kenney, Shayna Rubin, Kerith Burke)

    • “I failed as a leader. I failed as man.” (Marcus Thompson)

    • On the video of his punch being leaked: “I thought it was bullshit. No other videos leak from practice. When we're working on our sets, that don't leak…If I’m being honest it’s 100% bullshit.” He says he watched it 15 times, “it looks even worse than I thought it was. It’s pathetic…But what I did was wrong, regardless of how the video was leaked with audio or without audio, I was wrong. I accept that and will move forward with that.” Draymond also thanked the Warriors for taking it so seriously and launching an investigation. (Mark Medina, Kendra Andrews, Dalton Johnson, Shayna Rubin, 95.7 The Game)

    • Green said he's leaving the team for a few days to work on himself and to give team and Jordan some space. He didn’t give a clear response on when he would return: “I’m going to take a few days. Or I don’t know how many days. Just take some time to myself. Allow our team to start their healing process. But take some time to myself and get deep in my thoughts. Do things that I have to do to continue to work on me.” (Madeline Kenney, Mark Haynes, 95.7 The Game)

    [This was only half the quotes. For the rest, see our website:

    NOTE: From during Golden State Warriors practice, 2 days before next preseason game vs LA Lakers.

    #Warriors #DraymondGreen #GoldenStateWarriors


  2. The boz coment is crazy
    Americans are crazy as fuck.

    Now i understand why they need gun alarms in the door pf the highschools

  3. I didn’t catch if he said who was at fault. Did he say it was his fault? Or did he just forget to mention that part?

  4. I was disappointed and shocked by his punch. I am relieved he is owning it at least on public. I hope the 2 can mend their relationship. By Nov 23 please cuz I'm going to my first game.

  5. If it had nothing to do with a contract is a money what was it for because Draymond Green is a shit talker On the basketball court he has no filter so he can dish it out but can’t take it is that what’s going on

  6. Bro Please I want to see what comes next off and on the court bro I aint buying it let me see your actions next you have a track record bro get help you need anger management counseling you are self destructing

  7. Your toxic! Apologize then do it again and again. Ur not a good teammates if ur anger or frustration comes u yell or punch somebody. U need to be out ur don’t contribute much to ur teammates anyway and all u do is ur annoying aggression. They’re young teammates u should be the examples but aggression not ideal @all.

  8. this should be done behind the scenes. my god fights between teammates has been going on forever. this is drama caused by today’s millennials and gen z media snowflakes.

  9. People always have something extra to say when their lives trust me are full of flaws. This man just articulated his understanding of his wrong doing very well and is willing to accept the consequences. Get a life.

  10. Draymond u will be forgiven,but the act will not be forgotten,its good to see u come live and apologise to poole,teamates and organisation but u are a 34 year old man with family to protect,and your were going through some things personally,why did u show up for work,u could have called in n said what u were going through mentally ,why bring that energy to work,draymond should not be allowed to play tonight ,and i love to see him play,and to let people know im a warrior supporter,if we play tonight and lose without u its all good,it will be a test for the team to analise the team chemistry because if u get hurt or get sent off during the season the team will have to play without u.according to kendrick perkins,CARRY TO HELL ON

  11. Thx for posting the whole vid as media outlets are only posting part of this interview. I’m glad that Dray has owned up to his mistake, no one is perfect. I have faith that the team will move on from this unfortunate incident and be stronger than ever. I hope that the whoever leaked all of this gets their due too.

  12. Respect for not hiding and taking full responsibility. He just lost it in that moment and he's owned up to it. Move on

  13. Sounds like draymond got suspended indefinitely and he’d rather come back sooner than later cause it’s still not going to change the fact but them white folks can’t have that lol

  14. Love don’t sock people in the face with all your might. Draymond is a detriment to the team. He has been since KD.

  15. In real life people don't get to sucker punch others and then say I'm sorry. Many of them actually end up dead or seriously injured. In the NBA it's supposed to stay in house?

  16. As Dubs fan is so sad too see.
    Draymond needs to own his horrible mistakes, control his emotion and be a vet to those young players. He is 10 yrs older than JP.

  17. I don't know if I understand English but why should Pool and his family be embarrassed? What is he on about?

  18. It is sad that you throw your reputation away like this. We thought he is passionate but it seems he is just crazy?

  19. Good shit for taking responsibility and not taking the focus off your actions and how you can improve as an individual. Love you D Green your the heart of this team. You Mr Floor General and not many players in the league see the court the way you do. Keep your head up 🏆 Champ people will always take shots and use the past against you. All you can do is use it a fuel to keep you rolling and motivated to be the best version of yourself

  20. Yes. Family and this is a family. Both players are part of that family and organization. Enough respect to him for publicly addressing his mistakes and clearing the air. Now the team can start the process of moving on however they want to and defending their championship.

  21. Draymond, people could learn a thing or two from you. The way you have apologised not only to Jordan but his family to, shows the world the true person you are. Fairplay lad. Team sports is a massive stress but the way he conducted himself after is exemplary. Let's face it if he wasn't a nba superstar we never would of heard about it. It's good to see he is very remorseful. Let's just hope Jordan in time can forgive him, move on and come together to defend there nba crown

  22. Failed as a man, a husband, a father, a teammate and a Warrior. This team isn’t about that crap. Leave that for the homies that play on the losing teams.

  23. U get a bunch on dudes in a group setting the abusers show themselves at some point

  24. Why does Draymond get a pass for assault? Sarver lost his team by saying there's no room for inappropriate behavior. Is assault not equal or even greater than sarver actions? He said this league shouldn't tolerate this type of behavior. Live up to your words and leave the league.

  25. The last time a skinny dude from milwaukee got knocked out by a bigger dude in a GSW practice, the skinny dude returned to practice with a steel pipe ready to get even. (sprewell v. kersey)

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